homemade french fries & sweet potato fries (oven)

2013-06-26 @ 22:55:00
Imagine yourself staying at a small, autentic olive oil production factory (what is it even called?) somewhere in Italy. You are chatting a little with the owner and then he shows you around for while.
All you can see are trees. Endless of trees. Olive trees. 
After the exciting tour, you´re heading of for the best part of this experience. Namely trying the organic olive oil.
You´re dipping a piece of fluffy sourdough bread into a pool of flavor. A golden green pool of olive oil.
It might be peppery, bitter, or it might even be mild. MMMmmm, yummy...
Weird story? Sure it is. But I love olive oil. I would litterally take an olive oil bath, if I could. 
However, when making my homemade french fries & sweet potato fries I have found they taste better with every single drop olive oil you drizzle onto to the raw potatoes. And that is exactely the point why I asked you to imagine the olive oil story. Because the olive oil plays such an important role in this context. Makes sense, doesn´t it?
Really, put some effort into finding an olive oil you really like. It pays off.
But be prepared to pay a little more, than if you bought the olive oil in an ordinary grocery store. Unortunately quality costs... yeah.. and for christ sake - don´t forget to make the fries. They are good. Extremely good. Like ThereAreNoBetterFriesOnThisEarth-good.
I think you get it.
potato fries in the oven
Wash and peel some jacket potatoes & sweet potatoes. Cut them into a nice fries shape.
Put the potatoes in an ovenproof dish and drizzle lots of olive oil over it. Sprinkle some salt on top of it and place it in the oven for 20-30 minutes at 190 degrees.
pommes frites i ugnen

Skölj och skala några bak & sötpotatisar. Skär dem i avlånga retangulära bitar.

Lägg potatisarna i en ugnsfast form och ringla massor av olivolja över. Salta och ställ i ugnen i 20-30 minuter i 190 grader.


Kommentera här!
Postat av: Trollmamma

Hade jag stått och tittat ut över rader av olivträd hade nog inte oljan varit vad jag suktat efter. Sååå många oliver, som bara väntar på att ätas upp! Oliver är bland det goaste som finns. Men... egentillverkade fries (chips vill jag kalla dem, men jag är ju anglofil...) går inte av för hackor. Och sweet potato chips är fantastiskt gott. Måste helt klart lagas i höst, färskpotatisen funkar inte så bra till chips.

2013-06-26 @ 23:25:43
URL: http://trollcafeet.wordpress.com/
Postat av: Amanda

Det ser otroligt gott ut, och särskilt med de fina papperspåsarna. Nu har du inspirerat mig att köpa hem en god olivolja imorgon!

Svar: Mission completed :P tack!

2013-06-28 @ 01:14:16
URL: http://www.bakeawish.blogg.se
Postat av: Thea

Åh vad gott det ser ut! Skulle sitta prefekt till lite dipp en myskväll!

2013-06-28 @ 10:06:13
URL: http://theasspace.blogg.se/
Postat av: Krille

Läckert :) Funderar på att fritera något också men vet inte vad. trevlig sommar!

Svar: Trevlig sommar!

2013-06-28 @ 20:24:40
URL: http://nukokarjag.se
Postat av: Mathilda - PHOTOGRAPHS

sv: Åh tack så mycket, det har jag verkligen haft! :)

2013-06-30 @ 03:59:38
URL: http://bymathilda.se

Thank you for taking your time to leave a comment. You make my day! BR>



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