our organic eggs
2013-04-15 @ 21:23:00

We´re very lucky in our family, as we have cute chickens living in a little house in our garden. Mostly they like to stay at their "terrace", but sometimes we let them run freely back and forth between the leaves and the grass in our garden. We have eight hens and one rooster. From time to time you wake up from hearing the rooster crow loudly. I love that feeling. It makes me feel like I´m on a farm somewhere at the country side.
Apart from that cozy feeling, how easy these "Spitehöns" are to care about and how pretty they are, they also lay eggs.
We pick the eggs in the morning, when they are still a little warm. And then we cook or scramble them.
It´s crazy how much egg they taste compared to the ones you find in supermarkets!
Sounds quite nice, doensn´t it?
Still the eggs aren´t very large and I would never use them for baking. You don´t taste any difference between eggs and eggs in a dough anyway. And the amount of eggs is unfortunately not very big either. They lay about three eggs a day, which is not enough for our daily usage.
After all this said, these chickens and their eggs remain highly appreciated by almost everyone.
So thank you my dear little chickens!
Kommentera här!
Postat av: Stephanie { Mitt skafferi }
Vad härligt det verkar att ha egna höns och kunna äta färska ägg varje morgon :) Får en att önska att man bodde på landet istället för i storstan.
Postat av: Krille
Du imponerar Ella :)
Postat av: Moma
WOW- vilka bilder och egna hönor också!
Postat av: Jenny Stensell
Hade höns som liten. "Färska" ägg, direkt från ruvbåset är sååå mycket godare än de man köper i butik. Mums!