Homemade IKEA food: swedish meatballs with potatoes, brown sauce and lingonberry jam
2013-08-20 @ 19:38:00
Time flies. No shit sherlock, I know. But really, I had my first day at school today. I can´t believe it!
Having to realize I won´t be home until six pm on workdays for the next half year, was a little worser than expected. Since schoolwork doesn´t end there, [ homeworks and studying for tests ... ] I´m at the moment trying to figure out, when the h*ck I will have time to meet my friends, have a long shower, exercise, cook and create recipes for SÖTT & SALT and simply watch a single youtube video... When?
So please understand and don´t be mad at me, if I don´t post regularly. I do my best to keep up with you guys, but it won´t be as easy as it has been before.
In any case, let´s have a closer look at the homemade IKEA food I made for dinner some days ago.
I had actually craved for meatballs for a month by then and I felt there was no other way out then making some. Especially after we had driven by an IKEA the day before.
[ Nope, this is no hidden advertising. I promise. ]
"Köttbullar med brunsås, potatis och lingonsylt" is Swedish food at its best and very yummy. Definitely make the sauce and don´t forget the lingonberry for christ sake! The sides are all part of the dish and help differentiate Swedish meatballs from e.g. Greek ones. Just the thought of that creamy sauce makes me go crazy.
Happy cooking!

swedish meatballs, makes about 30 depending on the size
500 g ground (minced) beef/pork mixture
1 egg
3/4 dl bread crumbs
1 dl milk
1 onion
1 small apple
salt, peppar, allspice
Soak the breadcrumbs in the milk and stir in one egg. Set aside.
Finely grate the onion and the apple. Squeeze out the water and add to the breadcrumbmixture. Also add spices.
Blend the breadcrumb mixture with the ground beef/pork to a proper consistency. Make sure to not overblend the mixture.
Form balls in your preferred size and place them in an greased ovenproof pan. Put them in the oven at 175 degrees for about 15-20 minutes. Check them often to make sure they don´t burn!
brown sauce
1 tablespoon butter
2 tbsp plain flour
3 1/2 cups beef stock
1/2 cup cream
Chinese soy
salt and ground white pepper
2 tbsp plain flour
3 1/2 cups beef stock
1/2 cup cream
Chinese soy
salt and ground white pepper
Melt the butter in a saucepan. Remove the pan from the heat and stir in the flour. Put the pan on the heat and add the beef stock, a little at a time. Boil the sauce for 4-5 minutes.
Pour in a few drops of soy. Add cream and season with salt and pepper.
Pour in a few drops of soy. Add cream and season with salt and pepper.
Serve the meatballs with cooked potatoes, the brown sauce and lingonberry jam. Bon appetit!
svenska köttbullar, ca 30 beroende på storlek
500 g blandfärs
ett ägg
3/4 dl ströbröd
1 dl mjölk
1 lök
1 litet äpple
salt, peppar, kryddpeppar
500 g blandfärs
ett ägg
3/4 dl ströbröd
1 dl mjölk
1 lök
1 litet äpple
salt, peppar, kryddpeppar
Blötlägg ströbrödet i mjölken och rör i ett ägg. Ställ åt sidan.
Finriv löken och äpplet. Krama ur vattnet ur dem och blanda med ströbrödsbladningen. Krydda!
Blanda ströbrödsblandningen med bladfärsen till en lämplig konsistens. Se till att inte överknåda blandningen ör att köttbullarna inte ska bli trådiga.
Forma köttbullar i önskad storlek och lägg dem i en smord ugnsfast form. Sätt dem i ugnen på 175 grader i ca 15-20 minuter. Kontrollera dem ofta för att se till att de inte bränns.
1,5 msk smör
3 msk vetemjöl
5 dl köttbuljong
3/4 dl grädde
salt, peepar och kryddpeppar
Låt smöret smälta i en kastrull. Ta bort från värmen. Rör i mjölet.
Sätt tillbaka pannan på värmen och tillsätt köttbuljongen, lite eftersom. Låt koka i drygt 5 minuter.
Häll i några droppar soja. Tillsätt grädde och smaka av med salt och peppar.
Servera köttbullarna med kokt potatis, brun sås och lingonsylt. Bon appétit!

Kommentera här!
Postat av: Krille
Nu får jag ju börja äta lunch och middag på IKEA Ella :) Ser som vanligt vansinnigt gott ut och jättefina bilder.
Postat av: Camilla