ultimate fruit cake
2013-08-12 @ 18:16:00

Mmmmm.. melon. It must be the best summer fruit. Sweet, refreshing and perfect with parma ham, in a salad or even as a salsa.
When we celebrated L´s birthday in advance some days ago I made him a plain fruit cake in addition to his "official" raspberry mousse cake. With a base of watermelon.
Watermelon - of course!
Finding someone who loves watermelon more than him is seriously a lifetime task. He is truly a watermelon freak and carries these heavy balls for hours if he has to, to get some. Hours! Told ya.

All our apples trees are full of almost ripe apples by now. I will be able to make soooo much apple cake.
Here are some fruits that you might like to use for your plain fruit cake.
galia melon
star fruit
and then go crazy, carving, slicing and cutting all the fruit. But be prepared, it will be messy.
Good luck!

Kommentera här!
Postat av: JUNITJEJ
Så gott med frukt!
Postat av: Krille
Helt underbart :)
Postat av: Sara
underbara bilder :)
Postat av: Sofia
Ser gott ut :-D
Postat av: yasmine modell mamma och fru
åh mums vad gott
Postat av: Nikaia
ja riktigt underbart. det har jag verkligen fått! :)