homemade cream cheese
2013-07-02 @ 22:01:00
I´m not sure about you, but I love everything about the word homemade.
To me homemade is the same as good ( and much better than bought), no matter what we´re talking about. As I found out you can easily make your own cream cheese, I therefore literally cheered out load.

I was home alone that morning, making the cream cheese for breakfast. These days when I am home alone, I often spend in the kitchen. When somebody looks over my sholder, I can´t concentrate and I love having ages of time to finish my yummy project, take photos of it and then clean the kitchen.
Well, that last part in the sentence is not so much fun to be honest, but that´s somehow part of the game.

However, I tried to use the cream cheese in different ways. I had one slice of sourdough bread with the cream cheese (which I flavoured with fresh chopped chives) and some sliced radishes. Then I also had a cracker bread with the cream cheese and some apricot jam.
Do I have to tell you, it was awesome. No?
That is what I also think. So now, let´s go for the recipe.
Be prepared for a two week long blog pause. I´m back soon.

homemade cream cheese with chopped chives, a very small batch
500 ml milk
2-3 tbs lemon juice
2-3 tbs whipped cream, not whipped
salt, pepper
chopped chives
Heat the milk at medium heat in a saucepan, while stiring.
At the point where the milk starts boiling, slowly add the lemon juice. Keep stiring!
The curd will start separating from the whey. Turn off the heat.
Strain away the watery part (whey) and keep the curd.
Add the whipped cream to the cheese and whisk it smooth.
Stir in some salt, pepper and the chopped chives.
hemgjord färskost med hackad gräslök, en mycket liten sats
500 ml mjölk
2-3 msk citronsaft
500 ml mjölk
2-3 msk citronsaft
2-3 msk vispad grädde, inte vispad
salt, peppar
hackad gräslök
hackad gräslök
Värm mjölken på medelhög värme i en kastrull, under omrörning.
Vid den punkt där mjölken börjar koka, tillsätt långsamt citronsaft. Fortsätt röra om!
Ostmassan börjar separera från vasslen. Stäng av värmen.
Sila bort den vattniga delen (vassle) och beåll ostmassan.
Tillsätt vispgrädde till osten och vispa den slät och krämig.
Rör i lite salt, peppar och hackad gräslök.
Kommentera här!
Postat av: Anna
Lite feedback bara: Om det är vispad grädde kan den inte vara "inte vispad":P Det blir lätt förvirrande. Kalla den istället vispgrädde som det står på paketet ;) Samma sak med engelskan, "whipped cream" är vispad, om du skriver "whipping cream" eller "heavy cream" blir det lättare att förstå :) Annars en otroligt bra och vacker blogg!