Life isn´t about waiting for the storm to pass. It´s about learing to dance in the rain.
2013-06-01 @ 10:14:02
Ahh, I love that quote. And I love rain.
While I am not blogging, I am still photographing food sometimes. So here is quick update on some of the photographs I´ve shot the past week.
Besides that, I am hosting a grillparty tonight, which means I actually have no time for this at all. Instead I will be back with a funnier post tomorrow.
The food on the photographs shows a pulled pork sandwich, a veal beef with early potatoes & some chicken in a creamy pepper sauce. Goody!
Kommentera här!
Postat av: alex
pricksis! It's about Learning to dance in the rain!
Postat av: Sara
härliga bilder :)
Postat av: Krille
Dina bilder håller Cannelle klass Ella :) Du ska nog fundera på fotograf eller något annat kreativt konstnärsyrke.
Postat av: Mårtenssons kök
När vi var på Bali i somras så var detta citatet vår guides favorituttryck, så vi förs snabbt tillbaka till den härliga semestern vi hade där... Underbart!