white asparagus & Berlin
2013-05-11 @ 23:22:00

Folks, I am back.
The past week I have been working a lot for school and been on a trip to Berlin. All together that meant less time for blogging and that is just how it is. Life came across, as some like to say.
Hm.. well..two rainy days in Berlin with my dad, eating lots of "Curry-Wurst", meeting friends, and beeing in Germany made me quite happy. As the half-german chick I am, it felt great to visit the german capital city for the first time of my life.
I really enjoyed all the green areas and the birds chirping in the middle of the city. Factually I still can´t believe Berlin is a capital city. To me it felt like a big village with elements of a capital city. But I liked that.
We also had a tuff time, regarding all the history which is present wherever you go. I almost felt sorry all the time. What happend was just so freakin sick. And if I could, I would remake the history immediately. Peace.
Now to funnier things. Asparagus.
Yes, we could discuss the amusement in that, but we leave that part.
Because I said so.
In Germanhy the asparagus saison just started and you can buy fresh ones everywhere. We did of course bring some kilos back to Sweden. In fact we ate them for dinner tonight.
A couple of different lovely hams, potatoes and the asparagus. And melted butter. Heaven, heaven, heaven...
if youre able to get some, just buy the asparagus, forget about anything else and eat. Because I said so. (again!)
Here is how to cook them.

white asparagus with melted butter 6 persons
2 kg white asparagus
150 gram salted butter
1½ teaspoons of salt and sugar
cooked potatoes
Peel the aspargus and save the peel.
Let the peel cook in some water for about half an hour.
Remove the peel from the water and place the asparagus in a sauce pan together with the "peel water". Add a little salt and sugar.
Let cook for 15-25 minutes until ready.
Melt the butter.
Serve the asparagus with the melted butter, some potatoes and delicious hams or roastbeef.
Happy spring!
vit sparris med smält smör
2 kg vit sparris
150 gram saltat smör
1½ tsk socker och salt
skinkor av god kvalitet
kokt potatis
Skala sparrisen och spara skalet.
Låt skalet koka i lite vatten i ca en halvtimme.
Ta bort skalet från vattnet och lägg sparrisen i en kastrull tillsammans med "skalvattnet". Tillsätt lite salt och socker.
Låt koka i 15-25 minuter tills de är genomkokta.
Smält smöret.
Låt skalet koka i lite vatten i ca en halvtimme.
Ta bort skalet från vattnet och lägg sparrisen i en kastrull tillsammans med "skalvattnet". Tillsätt lite salt och socker.
Låt koka i 15-25 minuter tills de är genomkokta.
Smält smöret.
Servera sparrisen med smält smör, lite potatis och god skinka eller rostbiff.
Glad vår!
Kommentera här!
Postat av: Krille
Så fina. Och goda :) Hoppas jag hittar vit sparris till helgen då jag tänker bjuda på soppa.
Postat av: Mårtenssons Kök
Så härligt med vit färsk sparris, det finns verkligen hopp om våren och sommaren!
Så kul att få koma till din halva huvudstad då, spännande att få uppleva den för första gången!