homemade chocolate for this rainy morning

2013-04-13 @ 13:54:00
Alright, you might wonder why I start writing in English all of a sudden, but actually there is a comprehensible reason!
Cause, did you know Sweden is a tiny, little country compared to the rest of the world and most people don´t understand even a little Swedish. Huhm? Did you?
Of course you did!
And that is why. I simply want more people to be able to understand what I write about.
Folks, I have no idea how this will work out. Probably I´ll change my mind as soon as I post this blogpost.
Who knows?
But I will try it and I hope you Swedish guys are okay with that?
It has been pretty much chocolate on SÖTT & SALT lately, which is kind of weird because I don´t even like chocolate. You know, I was allergic to milk as I was younger (and so am I today! There were just a few years in between when I did tolerate lactose ) and never ate chocolate due to my intolerance. And when I got older and was allowed to try choclate, I just didn´t like it. Who knows why?
I still would never go and buy a chocolate bar or order a cup of hot chocolate in a coffee shop. But I do crave for fluffy chocolate mousse & chocolate lava cake sometimes.  Et maintenant mes amis, now I will also crave for this homemade chocolate I just made.
It is so ridiculousy simple to make, soooo yummy and much better than the ones you buy in the store. I made the chocolate early this morning and almost everything is gone now by lunch time. That means a lot, doesn´t it?
Form the chocolate in whatever shape you like, add nuts & fruit, drizzle some caramelsauce in it. The possibilities are endless. The only thing you should pay attention to is to not make to thick chocolate pieces, as they tend to become a little fudgy then. In my opinion the most thin parts of the chocolate were the best.
homemade chocolate

110 grams coconut butter
100 grams of icing sugar
6 tablespoons of good quality cocoa powder
pinch of salt
Melt the coconut butter.
When melted, sift the cocoa powder, icing sugar and salt into the sauce pan.
Stir until well combined ( it shall be runny! ) and there you have it.
Fill yours chocolate molds or drizzle it onto a parchement paper to make chocolate chips.
Let it harden in the freezer and enjoy!

Kommentera här!
Postat av: SOFIA

Himlars vilken underbar matblogg du har! Alla bilder och maträtter ser så himla goda ut :)

Svar: Wihoo, vad kul att du tycker det. Hoppas du kikar in igen då.. <3

2013-04-13 @ 16:47:58
URL: http://originaletsofia.blogg.se
Postat av: Junitjej

Det ser så gott ut!

Svar: Hihi, det är för att det är så gott. Tack! Kram

2013-04-13 @ 20:30:20
URL: http://www.junitjejen.se
Postat av: isabellavallberg.blogg.se

åh så extremt gott detdär såg ut :o

Svar: Hihi, kankse för att det är det! Tack! Kram

2013-04-14 @ 00:27:39
URL: http://isabellavallberg.blogg.se/
Postat av: Isabelle

Men åh så frestad jag blev nu... Ibland är det bra jobbigt att ha godisförbud... ;-)


Svar: Hihi, din stackare! Håll ut.

2013-04-14 @ 19:01:55
URL: http://isabellesdrommar.blogg.se
Postat av: Sara Ekman

Gott :)

Vad kul, jag älskar att resa :)

2013-04-14 @ 20:15:04
URL: http://aamaziing.blogg.se/
Postat av: Angelica

Engelska funkar tyärr inte för mig, då orkar jag inte läsa igenom receptet. Bilderna är fortfarande lika fina.

2013-04-15 @ 10:23:58
URL: http://vardagslivmedlchf.se
Postat av: Jessica Högberg

Tja, lät gott och enkelt! jag smälter gärna riktigt mörk choklad i cocosfett, lite som ischoklad=))

Svar: :-D

2013-04-15 @ 14:56:18
URL: http://lchftrollet.blogg.se/
Postat av: Krille

Tror minsann det är du som restas. Har ju sockerstopp nu :)

2013-04-16 @ 18:42:23
URL: http://nukokarjag.se
Postat av: Linnea

Blir nästan lite ledsen nu..
Din blogg är en av dom bästa jag vet men jag kommer inte längre kunna läsa allt roligt du skriver..

2013-04-16 @ 21:19:40
URL: http://horsesnea.blogg.se
Postat av: Jenny

Jag orkar nog inte läsa igenom recepten när de är på engelska så går dessvärre över till andra mat/bakbloggar.

2013-04-21 @ 09:06:47
Postat av: TOVA

sjukt gott! älskar choklad!
du har en jättefin blogg!:)

2013-04-24 @ 19:47:15
URL: http://tovabackman.blogg.se

Thank you for taking your time to leave a comment. You make my day! BR>



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