NYC, and some christmas candy
2013-12-01 @ 21:16:00

You find the recipe for knäck here.
So I recently came back from a trip to NYC with my mum. It had been a dream of mine to go there for a couple of years and now I finally got the opportunity. My expectations were exceeded by far and I felt at home so fast. I miss the athmosphere, the pulse, the food, the mixture of different cultures .. even the subway!
It may sound cheesy but we really had a splendid time.
It may sound cheesy but we really had a splendid time.
However, I came home with way to few shots to show you guys ... What I can show you though are these yummie christmas treats.
Jap. You better keep reading ( or shall I say looking? )

I started baking at about half past nine in the evening yesterday and finished around 01.00 pm. But really, it was worth it.
Besides these bastards look incredibly sweet, they literally melt on your tounge.
Make yourself a favour and bake them for christmas. Do it.
vanilla moons, enough for maaaany cookies
500 gram butter
250 grams brown sugar
700 gram flour
2 teaspoons vanilla sugar
two pinches of salt
400 grams almond flour
icing sugar
Beat butter and sugar until creamy. Add flour, vanilla sugar and salt. Add the almond flour.
Refrigerate your dough for at least one hour.
Shape your cookies like moons and bake at 265 °C for 15 minutes. Make sure you don´t make them too thick!
Leave them to cool a little and then while still warm, roll them in icing sugar.
Store them in an airtight container and ENJOY!
vaniljmånar, tillräckligt för mååånga kakor
500 gram smör
250 g brunt socker
700 gram mjöl
2 tsk vaniljsocker
två nypor salt
400 g mandelmjöl
500 gram smör
250 g brunt socker
700 gram mjöl
2 tsk vaniljsocker
två nypor salt
400 g mandelmjöl
Vispa smör och socker krämigt. Tillsätt mjöl, vaniljsocker och salt. Tillsätt mandelmjöl.
Forma degen till runda bollar och låt din deg ligga i kylskåpet i minst en timme.
Forma dina kakor som månar och grädda på 265 °C ca. 15 minuter. Se till att du inte gör dem för tjocka!
Låt dem svalna lite och sedan när de fortfarande är varma, rulla dem i florsocker.
Förvara dem i en lufttät behållare och NJUT!

Chocolate, caramel candy, marshmallows and peanuts. What a combination.
Simply melt 300 grams of chocolate, add some caramel candy ( e.g Dumle .. ) and pour it into a pan 20X15 cm. Sprinkle with a handful of peanuts and mini marshmallows and let it harden again. Cut into pieces and enjoy!

Happy first advent!
Kommentera här!
Postat av: Belinda Breed
Åh vad jag blev sugen på knäck!
Postat av: michaela- mamma till tre 💗
mmm. underbara julgodis!!
Postat av: Annika
Gooooootttt! Bra att du är tillbaka:-)
Postat av: Lisa - Kreativ bakning ♥
Åh, jag vill också till NY! Jättefina bilder och goda recept :))