summer mazarin cake
2013-07-01 @ 11:20:05
The past week I have been sailing in the archipelago of Stockholm. The sun was litterally shining all the time, which of course was awesome.
I mostly used the time to take a swim in the sea, eat loads of cashew nuts & my grandmas food (aaaww, so yummy!) and read cookbooks. It might have been the best week of this summer.

However cookbooks and me is such a thing. I would say cookbooks are my favourite genre when it comes to books, haha..
I read them before I go to sleep, instead of a novel. I collect little recipe folders & I spend hours in books stores in the cookbook section, just to look through all the photographs in all the cookbooks.
Still, I am so so sooo bad at following recipes properly. I always change at least two ingredients, skip a step I don´t feel like doing at the moment, a s o. To follow a recipe straight away just isn´t possible for me.

This time though, I managed to follow the recipe pretty good and the cake turned out great. And to me this cake screams summer, with all the berries and flowers.
I found the recipe in a very sweet book called "Sött, sweet, dulce - desserter från när och fjärran" by Anna & Fanny Bergenström. It´s surpringly easy to make and your done in just a couple of minutes. By the way I fell in love with the book, so make sure you check it out.

summer mazarin cake
400 gram almond paste
200 grams butter
4 eggs
1 dl flour
(1 teaspoon of vanilla extract)
1 dl of apricot jam
1½ tbs of water
berries and fruit
Grate the almond paste coarsly.
Mix butter until creamy and add the almond paste.
Add one egg at a time.
Add flour and ev. the vanilla extract and mix until well blended.
Butter and sprinkle a cake tin ( ca 20-22 in diameter ) with bread crumbs.
Fill in the batter and put in the oven for 30 minutes at 175 degrees.
Let it cool and garnish with your choice of berries and fruit.
In a sauce pan, heat the jam with the water. Let it cool a little apply a thin layer jam over the cake.
Serve cold with ice cream, or wipped cream.
sommar mazarin kaka
400 gram mandelmassa
200 gram smör
4 ägg
1 dl mjöl
(1 tesked vaniljextrakt)
400 gram mandelmassa
200 gram smör
4 ägg
1 dl mjöl
(1 tesked vaniljextrakt)
1 dl aprikosmarmelad
1 ½ msk vatten
bär och frukt
Riv mandelmassan grovt.
Blanda smör tills krämigt och tillsätt mandelmassa.
Kläck i ett ägg i taget.
Tillsätt mjöl och ev. vaniljextrakt och blanda tills väl blandat.
Smöra och bröa (ca 20-22 i diameter).
Fyll i smeten och sätt in i ugnen i 30 minuter vid 175 grader.
Låt det svalna och garnera med ditt val av bär och frukt.
I en kastrull, värm sylt med vatten. Låt det svalna lite och stryk ett tunt lager sylt över kakan.
Servera kall med glass eller vispgrädde.
Servera kall med glass eller vispgrädde.

Kommentera här!
Postat av: Jennie Benjaminsson
Ser ljuvligt gott ut!
Postat av: Krille
Två ord. Vill ha :) Underbart vackert Ella.
Postat av: JUNITJEJ
Tårtan ser fantastiskt god ut!
Postat av: Bland bakverk och kastruller
Vilka fina bilder!!
Mazarinkaka är bara för gott!!
Postat av: Moma
Så fin kaka! Har ni verkligen ingen fläder, din stackare, vart bor du? Hoppas i alla fall att ni får det!
Postat av: Sofia
Vilka härliga mat-bilder du tar! Älskar ljuset och klarheten i dem.