summer mazarin cake

The past week I have been sailing in the archipelago of Stockholm. The sun was litterally shining all the time, which of course was awesome. 
I mostly used the time to take a swim in the sea, eat loads of cashew nuts & my grandmas food (aaaww, so yummy!) and read cookbooks. It might have been the best week of this summer.
However cookbooks and me is such a thing. I would say cookbooks are my favourite genre when it comes to books, haha..
I read them before I go to sleep, instead of a novel. I collect little recipe folders & I spend hours in books stores in the cookbook section, just to look through all the photographs in all the cookbooks.
Still, I am so so sooo bad at following recipes properly. I always change at least two ingredients, skip a step I don´t feel like doing at the moment, a s o. To follow a recipe straight away just isn´t possible for me.

This time though, I managed to follow the recipe pretty good and the cake turned out great. And to me this cake screams summer, with all the berries and flowers.
I found the recipe in a very sweet book called "Sött, sweet, dulce - desserter från när och fjärran" by Anna & Fanny Bergenström. It´s surpringly easy to make and your done in just a couple of minutes. By the way I fell in love with the book, so make sure you check it out.

summer mazarin cake

400 gram almond paste
200 grams butter
4 eggs
1 dl flour
(1 teaspoon of vanilla extract)
1 dl of apricot jam
1½ tbs of water
berries and fruit
Grate the almond paste coarsly.
Mix butter until creamy and add the almond paste.
Add one egg at a time.
Add flour and ev. the vanilla extract and mix until well blended.
Butter and sprinkle a cake tin ( ca 20-22 in diameter ) with bread crumbs.
Fill in the batter and put in the oven for 30 minutes at 175 degrees.
Let it cool and garnish with your choice of berries and fruit.
In a sauce pan, heat the jam with the water. Let it cool a little apply a thin layer jam over the cake.
Serve cold with ice cream, or wipped cream.

sommar mazarin kaka

400 gram mandelmassa
200 gram smör
4 ägg
1 dl mjöl
(1 tesked vaniljextrakt)

1 dl aprikosmarmelad
1 ½ msk vatten

bär och frukt

Riv mandelmassan grovt.

Blanda smör tills krämigt och tillsätt mandelmassa.
Kläck i ett ägg i taget.

Tillsätt mjöl och ev. vaniljextrakt och blanda tills väl blandat.

Smöra och bröa (ca 20-22 i diameter).

Fyll i smeten och sätt in i ugnen i 30 minuter vid 175 grader.

Låt det svalna och garnera med ditt val av bär och frukt.

I en kastrull, värm sylt med vatten. Låt det svalna lite och stryk ett tunt lager sylt över kakan.
Servera kall med glass eller vispgrädde.

the best barbara cake

This cake is food porn all the way to heaven. Perfect texture, perfect sweetness, perfect lemon touch.. Just perfect everything.
It is especially the perfect cake to end a summer day like this one.
I went for a couple of swims with my class in the sun and we also had a small barbeque on the beach. We all had an amazing time. If you have not been swimming yet, you should definitely go as soon as you can. It´s so much fun and so relaxing... Suummmer here I come!
Back to the cake. I know the cake sounds and is very easy to make. But please still pay attention to recipe and follow it properly. Because there sure is cake, but there is also amazing cake. And if you want that perfect texture... then... you know what you have to do. This is also why the following recipe contains the amounts in grams.
But hey, take care of my little cake recipe. I love it!
barbara cake
200 g butter
250 g sugar
lemon zest of 1 lemon
4 eggs
125 g flour
125 g potato flour
2 teaspoons baking powder
200 g icing sugar
4 tablespoons lemon juice
1 teaspoon water
Beat butter until creamy. Add sugar and zest.
Add the eggs one after another and mix to a smooth batter.
Combine the potato flour, the flour and the baking powder. Mix gently but properly with the egg batter.
Fill into a buttered baking tin and put the cake into the oven at 180 degrees for about 55-60 minutes.
Let the cake cool about 5 minutes and turn it out on a cake dish. Let it cool completly.
Make the icing by blending the icing sugar, the lemon juice and the water together.
Drizzle all of the icing on the cake and let it sit for at least half an hour.
The cake is still yummy after half a week - if you keep it covered in room temperature.
barbara kaka

200 g smör
250 g socker
citronskal av 1 citron
4 ägg
125 g mjöl
125 g potatismjöl
2 tsk bakpulver
200 g florsocker
4 msk citronsaft
1 tsk vatten

Vispa smöret till krämigt. Tillsätt socker och zesten.

Tillsätt äggen en i taget och rör på full effekt till en slät smet.

Blanda potatismjöl, mjöl och bakpulver. Blanda de torra ingredienserna försiktigt, men ordentligt med ägg smeten.

Fyll i en smörad bakform och grädda kakan i ugnen 180 grader i ca 55-60 minuter.
Låt kakan svalna 5 minuter och stjälp upp en tårtfat. Låt den svalna helt.

Gör glasyren genom att blanda florsocker, citronsaft och vatten.
Ringla all glasyr över kakan och låt den stå i minst en halvtimme.

Kakan är fortfarande smaskig efter en halv vecka - om du håller den täckt i rumstemperatur.

vanilla magic cake

I just can´t believe may is here. First april fool jokes feels like yesterday and so does my birthday - which was in end of march!
Where did all those days go? Swioouushh.. and the days are gone, or what?
Well, that is kind of what it feels like.
Anyway, as this is one of these "free-day-from-school-but-I-have-nothing-planned-because-it´s-a-weekday-days" I started the morning with staying in bed for an hour. Then I ran some kilometres, made this vanilla magic cake and took a looong shower whilst the cake was in the oven. Later on I had some humus for lunch and a piece of cake..
The cake is called magic cake.
I thought it sounded very exiting when I first heard about it and spent at least half an hour googeling it. Conclusion was, that a thin batter which gets fluffy due to some eggwhite goes into the oven - where the magic happens - and comes out as a cake with three different layers.
Eeh what? How does that work?
And that my ladies and gentlemen is why you should learn chemie. Because then you and me would have known. Not that this is the kind of stuff you learn in chemie in school, but I´m sure you get the hint...
If the chemical part rather dosn´t interest you there is still other exiting stuff about this cake.
 Just think about the feeling when it looks like you have put in hours of work making a three layer cake, when the truth is it took you maximum fifteen minutes to finsh the batter. That is the best thing about this cake in my opinion.
The other funny thing about the cake are how different the layers actually become. On top you will find sponge cake,  in the middle a consistency like firm vanilla custard and on the bottom like a soft pie crust.
And now you wonder what it all tasted like? Good?
To be honest I was not so very impressed by the taste, but don´t count on me. You know, I hate custard and half of the cake is custard... which means it is not that surprising it is not my kind of cake.
Nevertheless the two boys in the house really enjoyed it.
But that was also a thing I found out whilst googelig - this is a cake you either love or hate.
Try it yourself and tell me what you think.
Inspiration for the cake recipe came from by blondie. A swedish food blog with lots of recipes you can´t wait to try. Check her out!
vanilla magic cake
125 gram butter
115 gram flour
5 dl milk
3 teaspoon vanilla powder
1 tablespoon water
4 egg yolks, room temperature
150 gram icing sugar
4 eggwhites, room temperature
4 drops of vinegar
Melt the butter. Let it cool.
Beat icing sugar, water, vanilla sugar and egg yolks until fluffy and white. Pour in the cooled butter and whisk again.
Sift the flour into the mixture a little at a time and whisk until well blended.
Heat the milk to body temperature (37 degrees) and then whisk it into the batter.
Beat the egg whites with the vinegar until you have a solid foam.
Gently fold the egg whites into the batter.
Grease and flour a baking pan about 20x20cm and pour in the batter.
Bake for an hour at 160 degrees and let it cool completely before serving.
Dust with icing sugar and serve with light cream.
magisk vaniljkaka
Se receptet på by blondies blogg här.

Idag är ingen vanlig dag för idag är det kladdkakans dag

Har ni firat en av de godaste kakorna på denna jord idag eller känner ni att ni ligger efter lite? Kanske till och med missat att det är kladdisens dag är idag?

Gråt inga tåror för det! Imorgon är en ny dag och en möjlighet av fira kladdkakans dag i efterskott :-)

Här ska ni få mitt eget favoritrecept på kladdkaka! Ju längre tid i ugnen - ju torrare kaka och tvärtom förstås!

Recept - Chokladig kladdkaka à la Ella

Smält 200 g smör i en kastrull. Rör i 5-6 dl socker ( det är värt det, jag lovar! ).
Tillsätt ca 6 msk kakao ( mer eller mindre efter önskad chokladig smak ! ) och kläck sedan ner 4 ägg en efter en och rör i de mellan kläckningarna. Rör sist i ca 11/2 dl vetemjöl. Fyll en bakplåtsklädd 24 cm i diameters springform och grädda i ugnen minst 25 min...

Servera med färska hallon och vispad grädde eller vaniljglass! Och akta dig - den är mäktig men fantastiskt god!

Glad chokladdig dag! Nu blir jag så himla sugen på denna kladdkaka - åååhhh!

Kladdkaka for sale

Idag har jag levererat en beställning i " Det lilla bagerites " namn. Bl.a lite kanelbullar, macarons och kladdkaka var det beställt. Det är även därför kladdkakan bakades i en folieform.
Ett hett tips detta med folieformar om man ska ut på picknick t.ex...
Oj, nu regnar det! I massor och himlen är grå. Och jag som ska segla ...
I vart fall hoppas jag kunden blev nöjd.
Det var ganska roligt för hon hade inte ens fått bakverken så sa hon att hon kommer beställa igen. Vi får hoppas på det...
Snart drar jag ut på sjön.
Ha det gött.
Och jo förresten vill ni också baka en kladdkaka så har ni receptet här.
För att dekorera med ett hjärta som jag har gjort:
Klipp ut en rundel av papper lika stor som kakan. Klipp ut ett hjärta i mitten av rundeln. Placera rundeln på kakan. Sikta över flrosocker. Ta försiktigt bort rundeln. Tada - ett hjärta!

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