beetroot, chevre & honey
2013-05-04 @ 22:44:00

I am in love with beetroot.
You have heard it before, haven´t you? But seriously, I could keep on telling you about this special love more than a billion times. The beetroot and me. True soulmates. A couple made in heaven.
Yeah,... it is that kind of love. That strong vegetable-human love we all know. Or, at least I know it.. hihi. Do you?
Whatever. Today I want to share an amazing recipe with you. It´s kind of my addiction in foodway.
If I could, I would eat it three times a day. Easily!
I wonder whether I should tell you I made that wonderful beetroot yesterday and accidentally almost ate it all by myself.
You don´t believe me?
Excuse me, but it was definitely an accident. Imagine how hard it was to take one more bite.
Actually it was so hard to eat it, I had to make some more for breakfast this morning. Hard was the word. And damn yummy.
Serve this fresh, a little sweet salad with fresh, slightly roasted salmon and you will float on clouds.
I beg you to give this salad a try, because it freakin awesome and you wouldn´t want to miss it.
Just do it, okay?

beetroot salad with chevre & honey
2 servings
2 fresh beetroots, cooked
six 1 cm thick high quality chevre slices
olive oil
8 sugar snaps
Slice the beetroot. Put some chevre on top of every beetroot slice. Save some for later.
Add a dollop of honey on every slice.
Heat the oven and let it sitin there for about 15 minutes in the oven ( 180 degrees )
Make an easy salad of the rocket, the sugar snaps, the rest of the chevre and drizzle some olive oil over it.
Serve with the hot beetroots from the oven. And if you like it a litlle sweeter, add some more honey.
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Postat av: Krille
Men du. dag lagade vi nästan samma grejer :)
Postat av: Krille
Idag skulle det så klart stå.