What to eat in Hong Kong?
2014-01-09 @ 20:28:55
I previously told you guys I would do a seperate post about our trip to Asia. Here is part one. Simply a few snapshots from Hong Kong with focus on the food and me trying to learn the video editing software ...
mini shrimp sandwiches
2014-01-02 @ 13:36:00

Did you spend your holidays amongst your loved ones, having fun, celebrating, dancing, getting fat and all that? You might potentially still be trapped in that festive new-years-eve-christmas-food-drink-coma? Or did you just stay in bed, watching movies, laughing at everybody trying to buy last minute gifts?
Regardless from whether you celebrated or not, I hope you had a fun time. And I wish you all the best for two thousand and fourteen.

The last months of 2013, I haven´t been able to put much effort into this blog, which makes me rather sad. Mostly because of school taking over my life, and me trying to be social at the same time.
However I do promise to do my best to update SÖTT OCH SALT when there is time.

In fact I came back from marvelous trip to Asia just an hour ago. Right now I´m therefore trying to get used to the cold again, thinking that when I wake up tomorrow I will still be able to visit the lively markets in Hong Kong, and dip my toes in turquoise water in Thailand.
But I am planning on doing a seperate post about that later, so let´s leave it there, shall we?

And about the shrimp crackers - I love the swedish dish räkmacka so I thought why not make a finger food version of it. Here you go!
mini shrimp sandwiches
crackers, some kind of hard bread
iceberg lettuce
fresh, peeled shrimps
homemade or high quality mayonnaise ( worth the money and the time! )
Break the crackers into bite-sized pieces, and then build your shrimp towers.
First a piece of lettuce, a few shrimps, a dollop of mayonnaise and some fresh black pepper on top.
mini räkmackor
färska, skalade räkor
hemlagad eller majonnäs av bättre kvalitet (värt pengarna och tiden!)
färska, skalade räkor
hemlagad eller majonnäs av bättre kvalitet (värt pengarna och tiden!)
Bryt knäckebröden i lagom stora bitar, och bygg sedan dina räktorn.
Först ett blad sallad, några räkor, en klick majonnäs och lite färsk svartpeppar på toppen.
NYC, and some christmas candy
2013-12-01 @ 21:16:00

You find the recipe for knäck here.
So I recently came back from a trip to NYC with my mum. It had been a dream of mine to go there for a couple of years and now I finally got the opportunity. My expectations were exceeded by far and I felt at home so fast. I miss the athmosphere, the pulse, the food, the mixture of different cultures .. even the subway!
It may sound cheesy but we really had a splendid time.
It may sound cheesy but we really had a splendid time.
However, I came home with way to few shots to show you guys ... What I can show you though are these yummie christmas treats.
Jap. You better keep reading ( or shall I say looking? )

I started baking at about half past nine in the evening yesterday and finished around 01.00 pm. But really, it was worth it.
Besides these bastards look incredibly sweet, they literally melt on your tounge.
Make yourself a favour and bake them for christmas. Do it.
vanilla moons, enough for maaaany cookies
500 gram butter
250 grams brown sugar
700 gram flour
2 teaspoons vanilla sugar
two pinches of salt
400 grams almond flour
icing sugar
Beat butter and sugar until creamy. Add flour, vanilla sugar and salt. Add the almond flour.
Refrigerate your dough for at least one hour.
Shape your cookies like moons and bake at 265 °C for 15 minutes. Make sure you don´t make them too thick!
Leave them to cool a little and then while still warm, roll them in icing sugar.
Store them in an airtight container and ENJOY!
vaniljmånar, tillräckligt för mååånga kakor
500 gram smör
250 g brunt socker
700 gram mjöl
2 tsk vaniljsocker
två nypor salt
400 g mandelmjöl
500 gram smör
250 g brunt socker
700 gram mjöl
2 tsk vaniljsocker
två nypor salt
400 g mandelmjöl
Vispa smör och socker krämigt. Tillsätt mjöl, vaniljsocker och salt. Tillsätt mandelmjöl.
Forma degen till runda bollar och låt din deg ligga i kylskåpet i minst en timme.
Forma dina kakor som månar och grädda på 265 °C ca. 15 minuter. Se till att du inte gör dem för tjocka!
Låt dem svalna lite och sedan när de fortfarande är varma, rulla dem i florsocker.
Förvara dem i en lufttät behållare och NJUT!

Chocolate, caramel candy, marshmallows and peanuts. What a combination.
Simply melt 300 grams of chocolate, add some caramel candy ( e.g Dumle .. ) and pour it into a pan 20X15 cm. Sprinkle with a handful of peanuts and mini marshmallows and let it harden again. Cut into pieces and enjoy!

Happy first advent!
mousse au chocolat without eggs
2013-10-20 @ 15:54:01

Recently I posted a recipe on chocolate mousse and I got some really great response to it. So I thought I´d try to come up with an even yummier and egg free version of it. And now here it is.
Not to forget though - MOUSSE AU CHOCOLAT is such a thing. There are a trillion ways to make it! While lots of us like to dig into a sweet whipped cream party, many also prefer it dark and heavy... Mmm dark chocolat mousse... mmm...
It would actually be so good if there was some kind of scale from one to ten on what texture the mousse of this certain recipe has. What about if one stands for very light and fluffy, five means the mousse is smooth and creamy and ten is the dark dark heavy stuff. This recipe would probably hit a four. It literally just melts on your
Why make the chocolate mousse without eggs?
No risk for salmonella, less dishes to wash, takes less time, someone might have a egg allgery or you want to make chocolat mousse but realize you´ve got zero eggs in your refrigerator. And yes, the last part happens to be my reason.
mousse au chocolat without eggs 6 portions
100 grams dark quality chocolate [use quality chocolate as it really makes a huge difference]
1 dl + 2½ dl whipping cream
2 tbs sugar
pinch of salt
Chop the chocolate and put in a bowl.
Whip 2½ dl cream until smooth. Make sure its not stiff as for decorating a cake etc.
Heat sugar, salt and 1 dl whipping cream in a saucepan on low heat. Let the sugar melt and set the saucepan aside.
Pour the hot cream over the chocolate and stir with spoon until the chocolate has melted completely.
Gently fold the chocolate mixture into the whipped cream.
Fill six glasses with the mousse. Then let it cool and stiffen in the refrigerator for at least three hours or over night.
Fill six glasses with the mousse. Then let it cool and stiffen in the refrigerator for at least three hours or over night.
mousse au chocolat utan ägg 6 portioner
100 gram mörk kvalitetschoklad [ använd kvalitetschoklad då det verkligen gör en enorm skillnad ]
1 dl + 2 ½ dl vispgrädde
2 msk socker
en nypa salt
100 gram mörk kvalitetschoklad [ använd kvalitetschoklad då det verkligen gör en enorm skillnad ]
1 dl + 2 ½ dl vispgrädde
2 msk socker
en nypa salt
Hacka chokladen och lägg i en skål.
Vispa 2 ½ dl grädde tills den formar mjuka toppar. Se till att den inte blir för hårt vispad som till att dekorera en tårta etc.
Värm socker, salt och 1 dl vispgrädde i en kastrull på låg värme. Låt sockret smälta och ställ kastrullen åt sidan.
Häll den varma grädden över chokladen och rör om med sked tills chokladen har smält helt.
Vänd försiktigt ner choklad blandningen i den vispade grädden.
Fyll sex glas med moussen.
Låt den svalna och stelna i kylskåp i minst tre timmar eller över natten.

2013-10-16 @ 19:57:17

Autumn morning in october, at 7:20 am. Enjoy.

yummiest deep-fried polenta squares
2013-10-05 @ 14:26:00

Hey you happy people!
Finally, we get to speak to each other again. I´m so exited to be back, although I know it will be hard to post something regularly the next weeks. I have literally no time whatsoever thanks to loads of school work. But I´ll do my very best to keep you updated on my culinary adventures...
Needless to say, I made these little yummy squares a couple of weeks ago. Just look how green the grass still was! Oh, dear summer... Whilst we are approaching autumn, and of course three months of darkness I really try to catch the last sunbeams. Imagine - in no time, we´ll already be shoveling snow and singing "Jingle Bells".

Anyhow, back to the polenta squares. If you´ve followed me for a while you know I´m a sucker for polenta.
And if you haven´t already tasted it, you need to try it. For real, this is better than cake.
[ But consider asking somebody that likes eating cake for their opinion, too. I will always prefer food before sweets... :P ]
This time, I made my polenta as usual and then ... I deep-fried it. Definitely one of the better decisions I´ve made so far. To be honest, I ate them all by myself except for one.

Make yourself and your food buddies a favor and make those polenta sqares for dinner with any kind of meat and a red vine sauce. Welcome to food heaven!
deep-fried polenta squares
polenta grains
vegetable broth
handful of grated parmesan cheese
vegetable oil
Make the polenta by following the instructions on its package. Use a little more polenta grains than recommended. In the end, add the parmesan cheese and stir.
Pour the hot polenta into a rectangular, lightly oiled baking dish. Refrigerate until cold and firm. Cut the polenta into squares.
Now it is time for deep-frying. Heat the oil in a sauce pan. Make sure its not too hot.
Fry the polenta squares for about 3 minutes on each side. Transfer the squares onto paper towles and let them drain.
friterade polentabitar
en handfull riven parmesanost
en handfull riven parmesanost
Gör polentan genom att följa instruktionerna på förpackningen. Använd lite mer polentagryn än rekommenderat. Tillsist, tillsätt parmesanost och rör om ordentligt.
Häll den varma polentan i en rektangulär, lätt oljad ugnsform och låt det stelna och svalna helt i kylskåp. Skär polentan i fyrkantiga bitar.
Nu är det dags för fritering. Hetta upp oljan i en kastrull. Se till att det inte är för varmt. Det ska bubbla lite lätt om du håller ner en träsked i oljan.
Fritera polentan i ca 3 minuter på varje sida. Lägg fyrkanterna på ett hushålsspapper och låt dem rinna av.
Where did I go?
2013-09-30 @ 21:21:03
Hey guys,
I know it has been a while and I am not proud of it, but there has been too much going on to have the time to post anything new. At least, you can look forward to an awesome recipe in no time! Stay tuned..
Thanks for stopping by my blog even though I have not updated for a while.
Enjoy your week!
the cutest apple rose pies
2013-09-11 @ 22:31:15

We all have that "dah" moment from time to time.
It all beginns with an idea. After some pondering, you are almost sure this idea will work out pretty awesome. The only thing that is left now, is to try it out. And then when your idea turns out to be freakin superduperawesome and you can´t wait to tell the world "HA! Told ya this would work! Told ya." then it´s right there. The "daaah" moment. I love that feeling. An awesome egoboost is just what it is.
These little cute pies were nothing else but a thought, an idea I happened to turn into reality this weekend. With a dah moment as a result. Oh, was I happy that they turned out this good.

I started of by making a bunch full of mini pie shells in my mini muffin pan.

In the meantime, while waiting for the pie shells to bake in the oven, I made apples sauce. Oh, dear apple sauce. It is sooo good.
Here you can go ahead and add whatever spices you like. Cinnamon ist el classico of course, but why not try something new?

Then I filled the pie shells with some apple sauce and sliced another four apples in thin [like in really, really thin] slices. I rolled the slices into roses and placed the roses in the apple sauce. Then I baked the pies for some more minutes and I was done.
I love how they turned out and can therefore only suggest that you give ´em a try.
You´re worth it. And they are worth it.
mini apple rose pies
6 dl flour
pinch of salt
4 tbs sugar
250 grams butter
4 tbs water
four big apples
4-5 apples
Mix flour and sugar in a bowl. Add the cold butter in small pieces. Distribute the fat in the flour with your fingers.
Add water and form a nice dough.
Wrap the dough in some plastic film. Place it in the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes, preferably for two hours or more.
Preheat the oven to 200 ° C and use a mini muffin pan to form mini pie shells. Bake in the oven for about 12 minutes or until they are golden.
Add water and form a nice dough.
Wrap the dough in some plastic film. Place it in the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes, preferably for two hours or more.
Preheat the oven to 200 ° C and use a mini muffin pan to form mini pie shells. Bake in the oven for about 12 minutes or until they are golden.
Cut apples into small pieces and place in a sauce pan. Let them boil for ca 10 minutes, together with some tbs of water and a little sugar. Decide by yoursef how sweet you want the apple sauce to be. The apple sauce is ready when it´s thick but runny.
Check out any video on youtube to learn how to make roses out of apples.
Fill the pie shells with some apple sauce and place an apple rose on top.
Bake in the oven at 175 ° C for approximately ten minutes.
Serve with some whipped cream and enjoy!
mini äppelrospajer
6 dl vetemjöl
en nypa salt
4 msk socker
250 gram smör
en nypa salt
4 msk socker
250 gram smör
4 msk vatten
fyra stora äpplen
4-5 äpplen
Blanda mjöl och socker i en skål. Tillsätt kallt smör i små bitar. Fördela fettet i mjölet med fingrarna.
Tillsätt vatten och knåda till en fin deg.
Svep in degen i lite plastfilm. Låt den vila i kylskåp i minst 30 minuter, helst i två timmar.
Värm ugnen till 200 ° C och använd en mini muffin form för att göra mini paj skal. Grädda i ugnen i ca 12 minuter eller tills de är gyllenbruna.
Skär äpplena i små bitar och lägg i en kastrull. Låt dem koka i ca 10 minuter, tillsammans med några msk vatten och lite socker. Bestäm själv hur söt du vill att din äppelmos ska vara. Den är klar när den är tjock men rinnig.
Kolla in någon video på youtube för att lära sig hur man gör rosor av äpplen.
Fyll pajskalen med lite äppelmos och tryck in din äppelros.
Grädda i ugnen i 175 ° C i cirka tio minuter.
Servera med lite vispad grädde och njut!
Quark and Peach Cake [my secret addiction]
2013-09-01 @ 17:05:00
As this video is a very spontanious one, I had no time to clean up the kitchen properly, grab the better looking bowls or preweigh the ingredients in sweet little jars. I apologize for that, but I hope you can still enjoy the video.
So this is nothing else but a totally unplanned video, about me making dinner.
Cake for dinner? You heard me.
The dish is sweet and was originally served as a dessert, but somehow some years ago we started eating it for dinner instead ... with a salad as a sidedish.
And I would be such a liar, if I told you that is a problem. Cake for dinner is awesome.
[Don´t just eat the salad and the cake on the same plate. You will thank me.]
Talking about liars, this is not really a cake as in "cake-cake". It ´s more like a casserole, but a casserole is something salty to me, so I couldn´t find a better name. Watch the video and you can make up your own mind.
Last but ot least, if you´ve read my blog or a while, you might recognize this recipe. You are fine! No déja-vu here! Don´t worry.
I have posted it before, but my camera happened to be right next to me and I couln´t resist filming the procedure. It was fun until the battery died... so here we go again with the recipe for my secret addiction.
Serioulsy, it´s so good!
Quark and Peach Cake
1000 g quark
150g semolina
zest of 1 lemon
6 eggs
10 tablespoons milk
150g butter
150g sugar
1 jar of peaches in syrup
15 g butter
about ½ cup granulated sugar
butter for greasing the form
150g semolina
zest of 1 lemon
6 eggs
10 tablespoons milk
150g butter
150g sugar
1 jar of peaches in syrup
15 g butter
about ½ cup granulated sugar
butter for greasing the form
Preheat the oven to 150 degrees.
Separate the eggs. Beat the egg white to a solid foam.
Separate the eggs. Beat the egg white to a solid foam.
Prepare a new bowl and whiskthe butter, the sugar, and the egg yolks to a smooth batter.
Add the quark, milk and semolina. Stir well! The colour should be a somewhat yellowish.
No gently fold the egg whites into the batter. Leave it as fluffy as you can.
Let the peaches draine and then cut them into cubes.
Let the peaches draine and then cut them into cubes.
Prepare a large baking dish and grease with butter. Pour a third of the batter into the mold. Spread half of the peaches in the batter.
Pour half of the remaining batter over the peaches and spread out with a spatula so that all the peaches are covered by the batter. Spread the rest of the peaches in the batter.
Pour the batter over the last peaches.
Pour half of the remaining batter over the peaches and spread out with a spatula so that all the peaches are covered by the batter. Spread the rest of the peaches in the batter.
Pour the batter over the last peaches.
Cut about 15 g butter in small pieces. "Sprinkle the on top the gratin.
Also sprinkle about ½ cup granulated sugar evenly over the gratin.
Bake in the oven for about 40 minutes. It should have grown a bit and be golden.
Kvarg och persiko gratäng
1000 g kvarg
150 g mannagryn
skalet av 1 citron
6 ägg
10 msk mjölk
150 g smör
150 g strösocker
1 burk inlagda persikor
ca 15 g smör
ca ½ dl strösocker
smör till smörjning av form
Sätt ugnen på 180 grader.
Separera äggen. Vispa äggvitan till ett fast skum.
150 g mannagryn
skalet av 1 citron
6 ägg
10 msk mjölk
150 g smör
150 g strösocker
1 burk inlagda persikor
ca 15 g smör
ca ½ dl strösocker
smör till smörjning av form
Sätt ugnen på 180 grader.
Separera äggen. Vispa äggvitan till ett fast skum.
Ta fram en ny bunke och vispa ihop 150 g smör, 150 g socker, 6 äggulor till en fin smet.
Tillsätt kvargen, mjölken och mannagrynen. Rör om ordentligt! Du ska ha en lite gulaktig färg på smeten.
Vänd försiktigt ner äggvitan i smeten. Det ska vara lite fluffigt ( Det gör inget om det enbart är lite äggvita på något ställe )
Låt persikorna droppa av och skär sedan persikorna i tärningar.
Ta fram en stor gratängform och smörj med smör.
Häll en tredjedel av smeten i formen. Fördela hälften av persikorna på smeten.
Häll hälften av resterande smeten över persikorna och bred ut med en slickepott så att alla persikor täcks av smet.
Fördela resten av persikorna på smeten.
Häll den sista smeten över persikorna och fördela jämnt en gång till.
Strö över ca ½ dl strösocker jämnt över gratängen.
Grädda i ugnen ca 40 min. Den ska ha växt lite och fått en gyllegul färg.
Låt kallna lite och njuuut!

Old photos, but I believe you like to have a look at the end results anyways.. so there we go!
interview with Ella in the newest issue of FOTO and an apple curd
2013-08-26 @ 20:33:00

Is your garden full of apple trees? Do you feel bad about all these apples laying on the ground, going to waste?
Well, then hello. You are just like me.
Without spending to much of your time, telling you it´s the same "apples-going-to-waste-story" every single year, I´ll just spit out the solution immediately.
Give those apples to your friends! No, not your neighbours - they are much likely to have the same apple problem as you. I mean all of your friends living in flats, without big apple trees on their balcony. They appreciate the apples much more than you and me, I promise!

Make sure not to give away all of your apples, though. You wanna have some left for this curd, because you will have to make it. It is freakin´ awesome! Smooth, juicy and with a little hint of lime, its one of the yummiest curds I´ve made so far. For sure.
Whether you fill a pie shell with the curd, eat it with your sunday morning scone or eat it just like it is from the jar, you will be amazed. Recipe down below.
I´d also like to give a little hint about the short interview with me in the latest issue of the swedish photomagazine FOTO. I have scanned the text for you to read right away, but consider buying the whole magazine. Enjoy!

apple curd
juice of five apples
5 egg yolks
4 tbs lime juice
½ dl sugar
25 grams butter
Bring the juice to a boil, together with the sugar. When the sugar has disolved, turn off the heat and add the lime juice and the egg yolks. Stir.
On low heat, let the mixture thicken while stiring for about 15 minutes.
Add the butter and let cool. Fill a clean jar, and store in the refrigerator.
saften av fem äpplen
5 äggulor
4 msk limejuice
½ dl socker
25 gram smör
Koka upp saften, tillsammans med sockret. När sockret har löst upp sig, stäng av värmen och tillsätt limejuice och äggulor. Rör om.
På låg värme, låt blandningen tjockna under omröring i ca 15 minuter.
Tillsätt smöret och låt svalna. Fyll en ren burk, och förvara i kylskåp.

Homemade IKEA food: swedish meatballs with potatoes, brown sauce and lingonberry jam
2013-08-20 @ 19:38:00

Time flies. No shit sherlock, I know. But really, I had my first day at school today. I can´t believe it!
Having to realize I won´t be home until six pm on workdays for the next half year, was a little worser than expected. Since schoolwork doesn´t end there, [ homeworks and studying for tests ... ] I´m at the moment trying to figure out, when the h*ck I will have time to meet my friends, have a long shower, exercise, cook and create recipes for SÖTT & SALT and simply watch a single youtube video... When?
So please understand and don´t be mad at me, if I don´t post regularly. I do my best to keep up with you guys, but it won´t be as easy as it has been before.
In any case, let´s have a closer look at the homemade IKEA food I made for dinner some days ago.
I had actually craved for meatballs for a month by then and I felt there was no other way out then making some. Especially after we had driven by an IKEA the day before.
[ Nope, this is no hidden advertising. I promise. ]
"Köttbullar med brunsås, potatis och lingonsylt" is Swedish food at its best and very yummy. Definitely make the sauce and don´t forget the lingonberry for christ sake! The sides are all part of the dish and help differentiate Swedish meatballs from e.g. Greek ones. Just the thought of that creamy sauce makes me go crazy.
Happy cooking!

swedish meatballs, makes about 30 depending on the size
500 g ground (minced) beef/pork mixture
1 egg
3/4 dl bread crumbs
1 dl milk
1 onion
1 small apple
salt, peppar, allspice
Soak the breadcrumbs in the milk and stir in one egg. Set aside.
Finely grate the onion and the apple. Squeeze out the water and add to the breadcrumbmixture. Also add spices.
Blend the breadcrumb mixture with the ground beef/pork to a proper consistency. Make sure to not overblend the mixture.
Form balls in your preferred size and place them in an greased ovenproof pan. Put them in the oven at 175 degrees for about 15-20 minutes. Check them often to make sure they don´t burn!
brown sauce
1 tablespoon butter
2 tbsp plain flour
3 1/2 cups beef stock
1/2 cup cream
Chinese soy
salt and ground white pepper
2 tbsp plain flour
3 1/2 cups beef stock
1/2 cup cream
Chinese soy
salt and ground white pepper
Melt the butter in a saucepan. Remove the pan from the heat and stir in the flour. Put the pan on the heat and add the beef stock, a little at a time. Boil the sauce for 4-5 minutes.
Pour in a few drops of soy. Add cream and season with salt and pepper.
Pour in a few drops of soy. Add cream and season with salt and pepper.
Serve the meatballs with cooked potatoes, the brown sauce and lingonberry jam. Bon appetit!
svenska köttbullar, ca 30 beroende på storlek
500 g blandfärs
ett ägg
3/4 dl ströbröd
1 dl mjölk
1 lök
1 litet äpple
salt, peppar, kryddpeppar
500 g blandfärs
ett ägg
3/4 dl ströbröd
1 dl mjölk
1 lök
1 litet äpple
salt, peppar, kryddpeppar
Blötlägg ströbrödet i mjölken och rör i ett ägg. Ställ åt sidan.
Finriv löken och äpplet. Krama ur vattnet ur dem och blanda med ströbrödsbladningen. Krydda!
Blanda ströbrödsblandningen med bladfärsen till en lämplig konsistens. Se till att inte överknåda blandningen ör att köttbullarna inte ska bli trådiga.
Forma köttbullar i önskad storlek och lägg dem i en smord ugnsfast form. Sätt dem i ugnen på 175 grader i ca 15-20 minuter. Kontrollera dem ofta för att se till att de inte bränns.
1,5 msk smör
3 msk vetemjöl
5 dl köttbuljong
3/4 dl grädde
salt, peepar och kryddpeppar
Låt smöret smälta i en kastrull. Ta bort från värmen. Rör i mjölet.
Sätt tillbaka pannan på värmen och tillsätt köttbuljongen, lite eftersom. Låt koka i drygt 5 minuter.
Häll i några droppar soja. Tillsätt grädde och smaka av med salt och peppar.
Servera köttbullarna med kokt potatis, brun sås och lingonsylt. Bon appétit!

ultimate fruit cake
2013-08-12 @ 18:16:00

Mmmmm.. melon. It must be the best summer fruit. Sweet, refreshing and perfect with parma ham, in a salad or even as a salsa.
When we celebrated L´s birthday in advance some days ago I made him a plain fruit cake in addition to his "official" raspberry mousse cake. With a base of watermelon.
Watermelon - of course!
Finding someone who loves watermelon more than him is seriously a lifetime task. He is truly a watermelon freak and carries these heavy balls for hours if he has to, to get some. Hours! Told ya.

All our apples trees are full of almost ripe apples by now. I will be able to make soooo much apple cake.
Here are some fruits that you might like to use for your plain fruit cake.
galia melon
star fruit
and then go crazy, carving, slicing and cutting all the fruit. But be prepared, it will be messy.
Good luck!

potato tortilla & skillet bread on a sunny monday morning
2013-07-30 @ 16:44:00

During the holidays when I had to take a break from all my culinary adventures, I didn´t really miss ´em at all.
That was so weird.
I was surprised myself and wondered if there is something wrong with me.
But the first day being home, I couldn´t wait to start baking again. What a relief!
[I baked this pink rainbow cake & a chocolate raspberry dream cake]
It was when I separated the eggs at nine o´clock in the morning, after I had bought the missing ingredients for the cakes [nope... I´m not always up that early] I realized how much I´ve actually missed it.
So the next morning, I had to get up again and make a little brunch for my family.
Those yummy skillet breads and the terrific tortilla were part of that brunch. Who would have thought that!?
There are truly few moments in life which beat eating freshly baked bread with melting butter on it, while sitting in the sun amongst your loved ones - breathing pause - so you should definitely go ahead and make your loved ones happy by cooking and baking them a brunch. You're welcome.

These skillet breads taste like something between scones and tortilla bread. That means absolutely fantastic.
If you like to, you could add some herbs or spices to the dough. Everything from thyme to fennel will work fine. Don´t forget to serve them freshly baked, when they are still warm. That is when they taste the best!
skillet bread, makes about 11 breads
4 dl whole wheat flour
2 tsp baking powder,
1 teaspoon salt;
50g butter,
2 tsp baking powder,
1 teaspoon salt;
50g butter,
2 dl milk
Mix all dry ingredients, then add butter.
Finally, pour in the milk. Divide the dough into 11 pieces and roll out into small thin cakes.
Fry (in skillet) a few minutes on each side.
Flip the bread when small brown spots start to appear.
stekpanne bröd, gör ca 11 bröd
4 dl fullkorns vetemjöl
2 tsk bakpulver,
1 tsk salt;
50g smör,
2 dl mjölk
Blanda alla torra ingredienser, tillsätt sedan smöret.
4 dl fullkorns vetemjöl
2 tsk bakpulver,
1 tsk salt;
50g smör,
2 dl mjölk
Blanda alla torra ingredienser, tillsätt sedan smöret.
Slutligen, häll i mjölken. Dela degen i 11 bitar och kavla ut till små tunna kakor.
Stek (i stekpanna) ett par minuter på varje sida.
Vänd på brödet när små bruna fläckar börjar synas.

Slice all your cooked leftover potatoes and put them in a bowl.
In another bowl, crack some eggs and whisk for a minute. Add one/two tablespoons of cream, some chopped garlic and salt.
Pour the egg mixture over the potatoes and make sure the potatoes are covered in egg mixture. If not, add another egg.
Then pour everything into a small skillet and let cook on low heat for a while. When you think you are able to flip the whole thing over, grab a big plate. Put it over the skillet and turn the tortilla around. Then push the tortilla back in the skillet again. Let cook for another five minutes and you are done!
potatis tortilla
Skiva alla dina kokta överblivna potatisar och lägg dem i en skål.
I en annan skål, knäck i några ägg och vispa ihop de. Vispa ner en / två matskedar grädde, lite hackad vitlök och salt.
Häll äggsmeten över potatisen och se till att potatisen täcks av äggsmeten. Om inte, lägg till ett ägg.
Häll över allt i en liten stekpanna och låt ägget stanna. Använd dig avlåg värme. När du tror att du har möjlighet att vända hela kalaset, så ta fram en stor tallrik. Sätt den över stekpannan och vänd tortillan. Tryck sedan tortillan tillbaka i stekpannan igen. Låt steka i ytterligare fem minuter och du är klar!
I en annan skål, knäck i några ägg och vispa ihop de. Vispa ner en / två matskedar grädde, lite hackad vitlök och salt.
Häll äggsmeten över potatisen och se till att potatisen täcks av äggsmeten. Om inte, lägg till ett ägg.
Häll över allt i en liten stekpanna och låt ägget stanna. Använd dig avlåg värme. När du tror att du har möjlighet att vända hela kalaset, så ta fram en stor tallrik. Sätt den över stekpannan och vänd tortillan. Tryck sedan tortillan tillbaka i stekpannan igen. Låt steka i ytterligare fem minuter och du är klar!

pink rainbow cake with lemon curd
2013-07-28 @ 17:36:18

Summer passes so fast.
It´s the same every single year. At first sight you seem to have ages of time you don´t know how to fill with activities and then..
.. wooop, woop.. ooopsie summer is almost over!
So sad, so sad.
So sad, so sad.
But I should be nothing else but happy, because I´ve had the chance to experience a lot this summer and there is still (wohoo!) more to come.

Even though summer in Sweden is absolutely fantastic, I´ve actually been travelling a lot.
Starting in Italy where I spent nearly two weeks with a bunch of friends, I then continued to Germany to visit my sweet little three-year old cousin. There I met with my family again and we went to Austria for a couple of days. We enjoyed the sun, the food and learned how to wind surf.
The day after we came home from Austria, I and L went sailing with our grandparents. Doing nothing, eating, sleeping, talking for three days is (believe it or not) relaxing.. perhaps even a little too relaxing.
However, we have also been kajaking in the archipelago of Stockholm, visiting friends and swimming of course.
Not to forget about all the strawberries and water melon we´ve munched on.
I can´t think of a better summer and I am so glad I got to do it all. So a big thank you to you guys, that somehow were involved!

This post would take forever if I wrote the story behind the cake.
So the short story would be:
We will have guests, I have bought gel food colouring, I am responsible for the dessert (it´s like an unwritten rule) and I made cake.
I filled it with lemon curd, unlike what the original recipe (Linda Lomelino) longs for and I am very happy with how it turned out.
The pink inside is so cute.
Happy baking!

suuuuummmmer break update post
2013-07-25 @ 21:01:19
I have been up to a lot this summer, and that is why it has been so quite here lately.
Some of the stories will show up here in a very few days, so hold on.
And I know it has been more than two weeks. But, I´ve had such an awsome summer holiday that I haven´t had time for blogging. And that´s basically it.
Enjoy the summer breeze.
homemade cream cheese
2013-07-02 @ 22:01:00

I´m not sure about you, but I love everything about the word homemade.
To me homemade is the same as good ( and much better than bought), no matter what we´re talking about. As I found out you can easily make your own cream cheese, I therefore literally cheered out load.

I was home alone that morning, making the cream cheese for breakfast. These days when I am home alone, I often spend in the kitchen. When somebody looks over my sholder, I can´t concentrate and I love having ages of time to finish my yummy project, take photos of it and then clean the kitchen.
Well, that last part in the sentence is not so much fun to be honest, but that´s somehow part of the game.

However, I tried to use the cream cheese in different ways. I had one slice of sourdough bread with the cream cheese (which I flavoured with fresh chopped chives) and some sliced radishes. Then I also had a cracker bread with the cream cheese and some apricot jam.
Do I have to tell you, it was awesome. No?
That is what I also think. So now, let´s go for the recipe.
Be prepared for a two week long blog pause. I´m back soon.

homemade cream cheese with chopped chives, a very small batch
500 ml milk
2-3 tbs lemon juice
2-3 tbs whipped cream, not whipped
salt, pepper
chopped chives
Heat the milk at medium heat in a saucepan, while stiring.
At the point where the milk starts boiling, slowly add the lemon juice. Keep stiring!
The curd will start separating from the whey. Turn off the heat.
Strain away the watery part (whey) and keep the curd.
Add the whipped cream to the cheese and whisk it smooth.
Stir in some salt, pepper and the chopped chives.
hemgjord färskost med hackad gräslök, en mycket liten sats
500 ml mjölk
2-3 msk citronsaft
500 ml mjölk
2-3 msk citronsaft
2-3 msk vispad grädde, inte vispad
salt, peppar
hackad gräslök
hackad gräslök
Värm mjölken på medelhög värme i en kastrull, under omrörning.
Vid den punkt där mjölken börjar koka, tillsätt långsamt citronsaft. Fortsätt röra om!
Ostmassan börjar separera från vasslen. Stäng av värmen.
Sila bort den vattniga delen (vassle) och beåll ostmassan.
Tillsätt vispgrädde till osten och vispa den slät och krämig.
Rör i lite salt, peppar och hackad gräslök.
summer mazarin cake
2013-07-01 @ 11:20:05

The past week I have been sailing in the archipelago of Stockholm. The sun was litterally shining all the time, which of course was awesome.
I mostly used the time to take a swim in the sea, eat loads of cashew nuts & my grandmas food (aaaww, so yummy!) and read cookbooks. It might have been the best week of this summer.

However cookbooks and me is such a thing. I would say cookbooks are my favourite genre when it comes to books, haha..
I read them before I go to sleep, instead of a novel. I collect little recipe folders & I spend hours in books stores in the cookbook section, just to look through all the photographs in all the cookbooks.
Still, I am so so sooo bad at following recipes properly. I always change at least two ingredients, skip a step I don´t feel like doing at the moment, a s o. To follow a recipe straight away just isn´t possible for me.

This time though, I managed to follow the recipe pretty good and the cake turned out great. And to me this cake screams summer, with all the berries and flowers.
I found the recipe in a very sweet book called "Sött, sweet, dulce - desserter från när och fjärran" by Anna & Fanny Bergenström. It´s surpringly easy to make and your done in just a couple of minutes. By the way I fell in love with the book, so make sure you check it out.

summer mazarin cake
400 gram almond paste
200 grams butter
4 eggs
1 dl flour
(1 teaspoon of vanilla extract)
1 dl of apricot jam
1½ tbs of water
berries and fruit
Grate the almond paste coarsly.
Mix butter until creamy and add the almond paste.
Add one egg at a time.
Add flour and ev. the vanilla extract and mix until well blended.
Butter and sprinkle a cake tin ( ca 20-22 in diameter ) with bread crumbs.
Fill in the batter and put in the oven for 30 minutes at 175 degrees.
Let it cool and garnish with your choice of berries and fruit.
In a sauce pan, heat the jam with the water. Let it cool a little apply a thin layer jam over the cake.
Serve cold with ice cream, or wipped cream.
sommar mazarin kaka
400 gram mandelmassa
200 gram smör
4 ägg
1 dl mjöl
(1 tesked vaniljextrakt)
400 gram mandelmassa
200 gram smör
4 ägg
1 dl mjöl
(1 tesked vaniljextrakt)
1 dl aprikosmarmelad
1 ½ msk vatten
bär och frukt
Riv mandelmassan grovt.
Blanda smör tills krämigt och tillsätt mandelmassa.
Kläck i ett ägg i taget.
Tillsätt mjöl och ev. vaniljextrakt och blanda tills väl blandat.
Smöra och bröa (ca 20-22 i diameter).
Fyll i smeten och sätt in i ugnen i 30 minuter vid 175 grader.
Låt det svalna och garnera med ditt val av bär och frukt.
I en kastrull, värm sylt med vatten. Låt det svalna lite och stryk ett tunt lager sylt över kakan.
Servera kall med glass eller vispgrädde.
Servera kall med glass eller vispgrädde.

homemade french fries & sweet potato fries (oven)
2013-06-26 @ 22:55:00

All you can see are trees. Endless of trees. Olive trees.
After the exciting tour, you´re heading of for the best part of this experience. Namely trying the organic olive oil.
You´re dipping a piece of fluffy sourdough bread into a pool of flavor. A golden green pool of olive oil.
It might be peppery, bitter, or it might even be mild. MMMmmm, yummy...
Weird story? Sure it is. But I love olive oil. I would litterally take an olive oil bath, if I could.
However, when making my homemade french fries & sweet potato fries I have found they taste better with every single drop olive oil you drizzle onto to the raw potatoes. And that is exactely the point why I asked you to imagine the olive oil story. Because the olive oil plays such an important role in this context. Makes sense, doesn´t it?
Really, put some effort into finding an olive oil you really like. It pays off.
But be prepared to pay a little more, than if you bought the olive oil in an ordinary grocery store. Unortunately quality costs... yeah.. and for christ sake - don´t forget to make the fries. They are good. Extremely good. Like ThereAreNoBetterFriesOnThisEarth-good.
I think you get it.

potato fries in the oven
Wash and peel some jacket potatoes & sweet potatoes. Cut them into a nice fries shape.
Put the potatoes in an ovenproof dish and drizzle lots of olive oil over it. Sprinkle some salt on top of it and place it in the oven for 20-30 minutes at 190 degrees.
pommes frites i ugnen
Skölj och skala några bak & sötpotatisar. Skär dem i avlånga retangulära bitar.
Lägg potatisarna i en ugnsfast form och ringla massor av olivolja över. Salta och ställ i ugnen i 20-30 minuter i 190 grader.
Glad midsommar.
2013-06-20 @ 11:48:51

A photo from last years midsommar celebration. This year I hope for the same wonderful whether, lots of fun and a fluffy jordgubbstårta (starwberrycake with wipped cream). And of course I wish you a great time as well.
However you celebrate, whether you go on a picknick, bake a jordgubbstårta, make a smörgåstårta or just relax in your coach, I hope you enjoy the day and spend it with your loved ones.
Glad midsommar!
salmon & shrimp bread cake
2013-06-17 @ 22:16:00
Inspiration for you. This is how I made the bread cake. Please watch it in HD 1080. It might take a little while to load, but it is so worth it. Check out the rest of this post, while the video is loading. To change the video quality, klick the wheel button.
I´ve spent this day making bread cake and filming the procedure.
Yep, and that is really all I have done.
I guess that is what´s called a lazy day... But hey, it was funny and yummy in the end, so why not?
Smörgåstårta is a very swedish treat, loved by all ages. It is mostly served at parties etc, but some also make it for dinner in the middle of the week.
Ähm.. The sky is the limit when it comes to the filling and there are fish and meat fillings as well as vegetarian ones.
The best part after all is garnishing the cake.
Go strict, go all green or go wild. Google ideas or make up your own mind.

I made it a salmon and shrimp bread cake with crispy vegetables (radishes, zucchini, iceberg lettuce..). Without sounding swaggering, I must say it was heavenly. Again, this is a great dish for "midsommarafton", for those who celebrate it.
Follow the recipe down there or cook along with the video.

salmon & shrimp bread cake 6 hungry persons
300 g white bread ( 6 huge slices cut into rectangles )
avocado spread
2 avocados
juice of 1/8 lemon
salmon spread
200 gram smoked salmon
2½ tbs mayonnaise
2½ tbs créme fraiche
3 tbs choppes chives
juice of 1/8 lemon
shrimp lettuce
190 grams peeled shrimps
juice of 1/8 lemon
3 tbs mayonnaise
3 tbs créme fraiche
2 hard cooked eggs, diced
handful of chopped dill
4 teaspoons of fisheggs
1 dl sour cream
1 dl creme fraiche
1 dl mayonnaise
4 tbs grated horseradish
iceberg lettuce
pea shoots
fennel, grated
fish eggs
layer 1Put two bread slices next to each other. Top with the avokado spread.
layer 2 salmon spread
layer 3 two bread slices
layer 4 shrimp spread
layer 5 two bread slices
Cover the cake with the topping and garnish like in the video or make up your own mind.
lax & räk smörgåstårta sex hungriga personer
300 g landgångsbröd (6 stora skivor)
300 g landgångsbröd (6 stora skivor)
2 avokados
saft av 1/8 citron
200 gram rökt lax
2 ½ msk majonnäs
2 ½ msk crème fraiche
3 tbs choppes gräslök
saft av 1/8 citron
190 gram skalade räkor
saft av 1/8 citron
3 msk majonnäs
3 msk crème fraiche
2 hårdkokta ägg, tärnade
en handfull hackad dill
4 tsk fiskrom
1 dl gräddfil
1 dl creme fraiche
1 dl majonnäs
4 msk riven pepparrot
fänkål, riven
fänkål, riven
lager 1. Sätt två brödskivor intill varandra. Stryk på avokadoröran som ett "smör".
lager 2. lax spridning
lager 3. två brödskivor
lager 4. räkor spridning
lager 5. två brödskivor
Täck tårtan med toppingen och garnera som i videon eller hitta på själv.
rhubarb meringue tartelettes & summer holidays
2013-06-15 @ 13:28:00

Wihooo, I have summer holidays! And I couldn´t be more happy.
Finally I have all the time to catch up with all these things I want to. And I can tell you. It is a lot.
I absolutely have no idea how I shall manage them all, but don´t worry. I am a person, who loves these days that are full of plans and where you haven´t got a minute off. So I am sure this is going to be aother great summer.
We just have to hope the sun keeps shinig like it has done the past week. Then it can not become anything but good.
Now let´s talk rhubarb and tartelettes.

Those darn pictures... they make me wanna jump out of the chair I´m sitting in, run down to our kitchen and eat one more piece of tarte straight away. I promise you, although the tartelettes are simple to make, they taste amazing. It the ultimate summer dessert and they would make the perfect dessert for "midsommarafton" for those who celebrate that.
I actually made three tartelettes or rather two tartelettes and one tarte. But it´s not that fussy, so take whatever tartelette pans you have at home. Bake and ENJOY!

rhubarb meringue tartelettes
85 grams sugar
280 grams flour
125 grams butter, cut into pieces
one pinch of salt
2 tbs cold water
700 grams rhubarb, peeled and cut into pieces
1-3 dl sugar
5 tbs water
25 grams butter
one egg yolk
3 egg whites
3 dl sugar
Combine flour, salt, sugar, butter and water in a large bowl. Knead until a can form a ball of the dough.
Put the dough in the fridge for five minutes.
Roll it out to a flat disk and dress your tartelette pan/s.
Bake at 225 degrees for about 7-8 minutes. Take it out and let it cool.
Combine all the ingredients for the rhubarb filling, except the egg yolk in a saucepan.
Let the mixture boil a few minutes, while stirring, until you have a smooth rhubarb purée. A hand blender might help you.
Stir in the egg yolk and let it cool.
Whisk eggwhites and sugar in a clean bowl over a hot water bath to a stiff meringue. It takes about 5 minutes.
Then fill your pie crust/s with the rhubarb filling and dollop/pipe the meringue over the filling in each tarte.
Burn the meringue with a gas burner or bake in the oven for about 4-5 minutes at 220 degrees.
Serve immediately and enjoy!
rabarber maräng tarteletter
85 gram socker
280 gram mjöl
125 gram smör, skuren i bitar
en nypa salt
2 msk kallt vatten
85 gram socker
280 gram mjöl
125 gram smör, skuren i bitar
en nypa salt
2 msk kallt vatten
700 gram rabarber, skalad och skuren i bitar
1-3 dl socker
5 msk vatten
25 gram smör
en äggula
3 äggvitor
3 dl socker
Blanda mjöl, salt, socker, smör och vatten i en stor skål. Knåda till en fin boll.
Lägg degen i frysen i fem minuter.
Lägg degen i frysen i fem minuter.
Kavla ut den till en platt skiva och klä din tartelette pan / s.
Grädda i 225 grader i ca 7-8 minuter. Ta ut den och låt den svalna.
Blanda alla ingredienserna till rabarber fyllning, utom äggulan i en kastrull.
Låt blandningen koka några minuter, under omrörning, tills du har en slät rabarber puré. En stavmixer kan hjälpa dig.
Rör i äggulan och låt den svalna.
Vispa eggvitor och socker i en ren skål över ett hett vattenbad till en styv maräng. Det tar ca 5 minuter.
Fyll sedan ditt/dina pajskal med rabarberfyllningen och klicka/spritsa maräng över fyllningen i varje tarte.
Bränn av marängen med en gasolbrännare eller baka i ugnen i ca 4-5 minuter i 220 grader.
Servera genast och njut!

the best barbara cake
2013-06-07 @ 23:54:00

This cake is food porn all the way to heaven. Perfect texture, perfect sweetness, perfect lemon touch.. Just perfect everything.
It is especially the perfect cake to end a summer day like this one.
I went for a couple of swims with my class in the sun and we also had a small barbeque on the beach. We all had an amazing time. If you have not been swimming yet, you should definitely go as soon as you can. It´s so much fun and so relaxing... Suummmer here I come!
Back to the cake. I know the cake sounds and is very easy to make. But please still pay attention to recipe and follow it properly. Because there sure is cake, but there is also amazing cake. And if you want that perfect texture... then... you know what you have to do. This is also why the following recipe contains the amounts in grams.
But hey, take care of my little cake recipe. I love it!
barbara cake
200 g butter
250 g sugar
lemon zest of 1 lemon
4 eggs
125 g flour
125 g potato flour
2 teaspoons baking powder
200 g icing sugar
4 tablespoons lemon juice
1 teaspoon water
Beat butter until creamy. Add sugar and zest.
Add the eggs one after another and mix to a smooth batter.
Combine the potato flour, the flour and the baking powder. Mix gently but properly with the egg batter.
Fill into a buttered baking tin and put the cake into the oven at 180 degrees for about 55-60 minutes.
Let the cake cool about 5 minutes and turn it out on a cake dish. Let it cool completly.
Make the icing by blending the icing sugar, the lemon juice and the water together.
Drizzle all of the icing on the cake and let it sit for at least half an hour.
The cake is still yummy after half a week - if you keep it covered in room temperature.
barbara kaka
200 g smör
250 g socker
citronskal av 1 citron
4 ägg
125 g mjöl
125 g potatismjöl
2 tsk bakpulver
200 g florsocker
4 msk citronsaft
1 tsk vatten
Vispa smöret till krämigt. Tillsätt socker och zesten.
Tillsätt äggen en i taget och rör på full effekt till en slät smet.
Blanda potatismjöl, mjöl och bakpulver. Blanda de torra ingredienserna försiktigt, men ordentligt med ägg smeten.
Fyll i en smörad bakform och grädda kakan i ugnen på 180 grader i ca 55-60 minuter.
Låt kakan svalna 5 minuter och stjälp upp på en tårtfat. Låt den svalna helt.
Gör glasyren genom att blanda florsocker, citronsaft och vatten.
Ringla all glasyr över kakan och låt den stå i minst en halvtimme.
Kakan är fortfarande smaskig efter en halv vecka - om du håller den täckt i rumstemperatur.

99 Rosas & TÄVLING
2013-06-07 @ 20:20:00

99 Rosas. Så heter vinet som Enjoy Wines lanserade i onsdags och som jag och andra ärade familjmedlemmar i vårt hus fått prova och har ombetts att recensera.
Då smaken ju bekannt är som baken i de flesta fall, inte minst när det handlar om vin blir detta så objektiva tankar som möjligt .
Eftersom jag själv inte dricker, har jag testat vinet i bakning istället. Där måste jag säga att det passar utomordentligt bra. Vinet är perfekt för den som älskar fruktiga smaker och inte minst äpple. Till jordgubbarna eller till en somrig sabyone med hallon passar det finfint. Ska man ha användning för vinets smarta förpackning och fruktiga smak en varm sommarkväll vid stranden istället, bör den drickas väl kyld. Detta är inte det optimala vinet för mat, men smakar desto bättre för efterrätt.
Vinet är inte alltför dyrt ( 69 kr för 1000 ml ) och därför så är det bästa att ni, precis som med allt annat, bildar er en egen uppfattning
Nu blir det tävling! Den kommer ni väl ihåg från picknick inägget?
Vill ni alltså vinna en picknickkorg fylld med en smart pläd, 2 st Le creuset dippskålar, badmintonset och minihögtalare som passar era smartphones/ipad är det bara att rösta på erat favorit picknick recept
( japp, det är fritt fram att välja mitt ) här.
Lycka till kära läsare och håll till godo, för snart kommer receptet på världens godaste kaka upp. Det ni!
green soybeans in the sunny afternoon
2013-06-05 @ 23:01:00

Friends. Guess what?
I have fallen in love with a vegetable for a second time. Weird, right?
The beetroot and I are already inseparable. You know that.
So then what kind of evil, little vegetable has come to break up the perfect Ella.loves.beetroot relationship do you think?
Hold on, I´ll tell you.
It´s a bean. Yes, I´m serious - a bean. To be more specific it´s THE GREEN SOYBEAN.
The ridiculous part about that is that I hated all kinds of beans no longer than two years ago. And now, now suddenly love all of them.
I told you, this world is just crazy.

Just look at that sparkling colour. That is how they look in reality. No photoshop. Just very yummy, beautiful beans. Beans that are mostly used in the asian cuisine and therefore a little tricky to come across in Sweden. You find frozen ones in the normal big supermarkets, but otherwise you´re very likely to find some fresh ones in any asian food store.
The beans are cooked in their pods with salt. Then you peel them and enjoy the bean. Don´t eat the pod, that one is to coarse. The bean on the other hand is perfectly soft.
I think they taste the best served hot as a snack in between. But they are really good in salads or pasta salads, too.
I really hope you try them if you haven´t tried them yet. Delicous, is all I can say.

mumigaste picknickmaten i sommarvärme
2013-06-02 @ 17:31:00

Gårdagen var den bästa starten på denna sommar som jag någonsin kunnat önska. Vi doppade huvuden i mjöl, sprang barfota i gräset och skrattade tills vi storknade. Vi satt ute och njöt av den ljumma sommarluften hela natten, försökte smälla mygg och grillade marshmallows. Först vid fyratiden slocknade vi i vårt tält. Då när fåglarna började kvittra och solen var på väg upp. Åh, som jag bara vill göra om alltihop.
Sommar och sol är verkligen så, så mycket för mig, men picknick i det gröna intill en lugn strand tillhör alla gånger ett av de bättre aktiviteterna.
Senast vid midsommarafton tycker jag ni ska försöka ha minst en picknick med nära och kära. Det finns ju inget bättre än att äta ute i naturen, småtjattra hur länge som helst medan man smaskar jordgubbar och kicka lite boll.
När jag var mindre räckte det med att picknicka i trädgården med ett glas saft, lite kakor och en filt. Men nu är picknick ju om så mysigare när man först ger sig ut på en utflykt, innan man hungrig som tusan dukar upp maten.

Oavsett blir det mysigast när picknicken är spontan tycker jag.
Och då ska det såklart maten vara allt annat än krånglig att ta med sig och smaka gott för både stora och små.
Ett brytbröd av något slag från ett bageri, mycket smarrigt att dricka, jordgubbar i massor, lite grönsaker som går att småplocka av (rädisor, morötter på knippe och minitomater seglar upp som favoriter här) och en riktigt god pastasallad är min meoldi i sammanhanget. Why change a winning koncept, liksom?
(Ja, det var ungdomlig svengelska at its best!)

Alla kan göra pastasallad. Mitt recept som följer är på det sättet inget världsomvälvande, men ändå sååå gott och dessutom snabbt som attan. Ska ni grilla, kan ni hoppa över kycklingen och servera pastasalladen som tillbehör. Med andra ord är detta recept perfekt för vilken picknick som helst.
Utöver själva receptet är mitt lilla tips att servera pastasalladen på en finare sätt än vanligt.
Skippa gamla plasttallrikar och fördela pastasalladen i tjusiga glasburkar istället.
Tänk bara vad skönt att slippa allt kladd med smustiga tallrikar som ska stoppas tillbaka in i picknickkorgen.
Och ska det bli en riktigt festlig tilställning kan man binda band rund burkarna och hänga på rustika etiketter med namn. Det blir jättefint.
Är det för varmt för all sorts tänkande kring vad som ska stoppas i picknickkorgen för dig, kan jag glatt berätta att ni snart kommer kunna tävla om en färdig picknickkorg här på bloggen. Och det ända ni behöver göra då är att rösta på erat favorit picknick recept (är ni då på snällhumör skulle ni ju av en händelse kunna välja min pastasallad..!). Håll utkik!
Vet ni vad?
Därefter kommer det komma ännu en tävling. Det är 99 Rosas som håller i den och jag har i samband med tävlingen blivit ombedd att recensera deras vin. Är ni nu alltså nyfikna på hur man recencerar vin som icke-drickande får ni kika in i veckan.
Tills dess - njut av solen för kattsingen. För tillfället smälter jag snart bort, precis som min passionfruktsglasstårta från igår nästan gjorde. På tal om glass.... kan hända att jag tar en skopa efter att plirat ner receptet. Bara så ni vet.

Godaste pastasalladen med vitlöksdressing 2 portioner
500 gram pasta ( penne, fusili.. )
1 avokado, tärnad
12 soltorkade tomater, halverade
lite fetaost som du har över
2 kycklingfiléer, strimlade och stekta med salt och peppar
5 msk gröna/vita sojabönor
2 stora tomater, tärnade
1½ näve salladsblad
4 klyftor vitlök, pressad
1 msk vitvinsvinäger
3/4 dl olivolja
1½ msk dijonsenap
ev. blanda ut med lite majonäs
Koka pastan.
Gör under tiden dressingen genom att vispa ihop vitlökarna, vinägern, olivoljan och dijonsenapen. Beroende på hur mycket man vill ha, lär lite dressing bli över. Den kan ni dock använda till salladen dagen efter.
Blanda alla ingredienser till salladen. Fyll upp i burkar. Häll över lagom mycket dressing.
Toppa med krutonger.
Gör egna krutonger genom att torrrosta brödskivor. Skär i fyrkanter och rosta i ugn eller i stekpanna.
Life isn´t about waiting for the storm to pass. It´s about learing to dance in the rain.
2013-06-01 @ 10:14:02

Ahh, I love that quote. And I love rain.
While I am not blogging, I am still photographing food sometimes. So here is quick update on some of the photographs I´ve shot the past week.
Besides that, I am hosting a grillparty tonight, which means I actually have no time for this at all. Instead I will be back with a funnier post tomorrow.
The food on the photographs shows a pulled pork sandwich, a veal beef with early potatoes & some chicken in a creamy pepper sauce. Goody!
handpicked rhubarb & the fastest homemade potatisbullar
2013-05-25 @ 15:21:00

I barely made it, but after a lot of hard work I just finished cutting the grass in our garden. Puuih!
I mean the sky is blue, the sun is shining and the birds singing... so I am not complaining, but it was tiring.
Anyway, after that work I thought I deserve a break and decided to write a little to you.
And now while I write my stomach starts screaming. Not a big surprise, because I have eaten half a package sweet almond paste but hey! it was yummy. Too yummy.
From one thing to another - yesterday I made the most heavenly rhurbarb dessert in the entire world. I will so make it this evening again. And yes, even after all the sweet almond paste I have already had!
Or how does this sound to you?
Butter & cardamon baked rhubarb with homemade ice cream.
Pretty damn good, right?
Inspiration came from Christer blogging at Nu kokar jag and you find the recipe here. Just make it. You won´t be disspointed.

We had white aspargagus for dinner last night and some of the potatoes were left over...
So I used them to make an ever so swedish lunch. Namely POTATISBULLAR MED LINGONSYLT.
Gaah, they were good! A perfect way to use the potatoes from yesterdays dinner.
I will just write down roughy how I did them, because it´s not that fussy. Take whatever you have at home.
swedish potatisbullar with lingonberry jam
Mash all the potatoes you have left with a little melted butter to a smooth purée. Add one egg, salt and pepper and some fresh dill/parsley. Form potato burgers and fry them in olive oil. Serve with lingonberry jam and ev. some bacon.
hemmagjorda potatisbullar med lingonsylt
Mosa all potatis du har kvar med lite smält smör till en slät puré. Blanda i ett ägg, salt och peppar och lite färsk dill / persilja. Forma potatisbiffar och stek dem i olivolja. Servera med lingonsylt och ev. knaperstekt bacon.
våra gyllengula små kycklingar
2013-05-22 @ 18:02:36

So since I wrote the last time, some more of these tiny creatures have been born. Indeed there are seven of them running around in our garden right now. It´s cray how cute they are and my hand (my hands are really small) is big enough for two.
I´m sorry for this quick and short update, but I feel sick. I hope you enjoy the awesome weather and all the green which is popping out in places at the moment!
I´ll be back soon.
jitterburgare, chokladkolasnittar & drömmar
2013-05-15 @ 23:45:00

"Oooh, how cuuuuute!" we all said in chorus some hours ago when the first of a handfull eggs hatched and a tiny, tiny chicken slipped out. Since then two more have seen daylight and now we are enthusiastically waiting whether there will be a few more or not ...
I might show you some photographs later on, but for the moment it is important to leave these newborns alone.
Out of some reason people call me "aunt Ella" from time to time. I don´t really understand what is so "auntie" about me, but all the homemade cookies, pies & other sweet stuff I bake for them could be a potential reason. Just to make sure these people are right once in this case, I used the last flour in this house yesterday and made "sju sorters kakor". What that is?
Well, "seven kinds of cookies" which would be the english translation is a loved tradition in Sweden since 1800.
The story behind simply is that the housewife was supposed to serve her guest/s at least seven different short breads/cookies together with the coffee. Otherwise it was seen as impolite and discourteous.
Seven cookies are a lot and I didn´t really have that much time so I left it with three. These three though are greatly yummy and are called jitterburgare, chokladkolasnittar and drömmar.
I will share the recipes with you guys another day because time runs out now. I was just so thrilled to tell you about the chickens. Good night then. Good night.

white asparagus & Berlin
2013-05-11 @ 23:22:00

Folks, I am back.
The past week I have been working a lot for school and been on a trip to Berlin. All together that meant less time for blogging and that is just how it is. Life came across, as some like to say.
Hm.. well..two rainy days in Berlin with my dad, eating lots of "Curry-Wurst", meeting friends, and beeing in Germany made me quite happy. As the half-german chick I am, it felt great to visit the german capital city for the first time of my life.
I really enjoyed all the green areas and the birds chirping in the middle of the city. Factually I still can´t believe Berlin is a capital city. To me it felt like a big village with elements of a capital city. But I liked that.
We also had a tuff time, regarding all the history which is present wherever you go. I almost felt sorry all the time. What happend was just so freakin sick. And if I could, I would remake the history immediately. Peace.
Now to funnier things. Asparagus.
Yes, we could discuss the amusement in that, but we leave that part.
Because I said so.
In Germanhy the asparagus saison just started and you can buy fresh ones everywhere. We did of course bring some kilos back to Sweden. In fact we ate them for dinner tonight.
A couple of different lovely hams, potatoes and the asparagus. And melted butter. Heaven, heaven, heaven...
if youre able to get some, just buy the asparagus, forget about anything else and eat. Because I said so. (again!)
Here is how to cook them.

white asparagus with melted butter 6 persons
2 kg white asparagus
150 gram salted butter
1½ teaspoons of salt and sugar
cooked potatoes
Peel the aspargus and save the peel.
Let the peel cook in some water for about half an hour.
Remove the peel from the water and place the asparagus in a sauce pan together with the "peel water". Add a little salt and sugar.
Let cook for 15-25 minutes until ready.
Melt the butter.
Serve the asparagus with the melted butter, some potatoes and delicious hams or roastbeef.
Happy spring!
vit sparris med smält smör
2 kg vit sparris
150 gram saltat smör
1½ tsk socker och salt
skinkor av god kvalitet
kokt potatis
Skala sparrisen och spara skalet.
Låt skalet koka i lite vatten i ca en halvtimme.
Ta bort skalet från vattnet och lägg sparrisen i en kastrull tillsammans med "skalvattnet". Tillsätt lite salt och socker.
Låt koka i 15-25 minuter tills de är genomkokta.
Smält smöret.
Låt skalet koka i lite vatten i ca en halvtimme.
Ta bort skalet från vattnet och lägg sparrisen i en kastrull tillsammans med "skalvattnet". Tillsätt lite salt och socker.
Låt koka i 15-25 minuter tills de är genomkokta.
Smält smöret.
Servera sparrisen med smält smör, lite potatis och god skinka eller rostbiff.
Glad vår!