mousse au chocolat without eggs

Recently I posted a recipe on chocolate mousse and I got some really great response to it. So I thought I´d try to come up with an even yummier and egg free version of it. And now here it is.
Not to forget though - MOUSSE AU CHOCOLAT is such a thing. There are a trillion ways to make it! While lots of us like to dig into a sweet whipped cream party, many also prefer it dark and heavy... Mmm dark chocolat mousse... mmm...
It would actually be so good if there was some kind of scale from one to ten on what texture the mousse of this certain recipe has. What about if one stands for very light and fluffy, five means the mousse is smooth and creamy and ten is the dark dark heavy stuff. This recipe would probably hit a four. It literally just melts on your
Why make the chocolate mousse without eggs?
No risk for salmonella, less dishes to wash, takes less time, someone might have a egg allgery or you want to make chocolat mousse but realize you´ve got zero eggs in your refrigerator. And yes, the last part happens to be my reason.
mousse au chocolat without eggs 6 portions
100 grams dark quality chocolate [use quality chocolate as it really makes a huge difference]
1 dl + 2½ dl whipping cream
2 tbs sugar
pinch of salt
Chop the chocolate and put in a bowl.
Whip 2½ dl cream until smooth. Make sure its not stiff as for decorating a cake etc.
Heat sugar, salt and 1 dl whipping cream in a saucepan on low heat. Let the sugar melt and set the saucepan aside.
Pour the hot cream over the chocolate and stir with spoon until the chocolate has melted completely.
Gently fold the chocolate mixture into the whipped cream.
Fill six glasses with the mousse. Then let it cool and stiffen in the refrigerator for at least three hours or over night.
Fill six glasses with the mousse. Then let it cool and stiffen in the refrigerator for at least three hours or over night.
mousse au chocolat utan ägg 6 portioner
100 gram mörk kvalitetschoklad [ använd kvalitetschoklad då det verkligen gör en enorm skillnad ]
1 dl + 2 ½ dl vispgrädde
2 msk socker
en nypa salt
100 gram mörk kvalitetschoklad [ använd kvalitetschoklad då det verkligen gör en enorm skillnad ]
1 dl + 2 ½ dl vispgrädde
2 msk socker
en nypa salt
Hacka chokladen och lägg i en skål.
Vispa 2 ½ dl grädde tills den formar mjuka toppar. Se till att den inte blir för hårt vispad som till att dekorera en tårta etc.
Värm socker, salt och 1 dl vispgrädde i en kastrull på låg värme. Låt sockret smälta och ställ kastrullen åt sidan.
Häll den varma grädden över chokladen och rör om med sked tills chokladen har smält helt.
Vänd försiktigt ner choklad blandningen i den vispade grädden.
Fyll sex glas med moussen.
Låt den svalna och stelna i kylskåp i minst tre timmar eller över natten.


Autumn morning in october, at 7:20 am. Enjoy.

yummiest deep-fried polenta squares

Hey you happy people!
Finally, we get to speak to each other again. I´m so exited to be back, although I know it will be hard to post something regularly the next weeks. I have literally no time whatsoever thanks to loads of school work. But I´ll do my very best to keep you updated on my culinary adventures...
Needless to say, I made these little yummy squares a couple of weeks ago. Just look how green the grass still was! Oh, dear summer... Whilst we are approaching autumn, and of course three months of darkness I really try to catch the last sunbeams. Imagine - in no time, we´ll already be shoveling snow and singing "Jingle Bells".

Anyhow, back to the polenta squares. If you´ve followed me for a while you know I´m a sucker for polenta.
And if you haven´t already tasted it, you need to try it. For real, this is better than cake.
[ But consider asking somebody that likes eating cake for their opinion, too. I will always prefer food before sweets... :P ]
This time, I made my polenta as usual and then ... I deep-fried it. Definitely one of the better decisions I´ve made so far. To be honest, I ate them all by myself except for one.

Make yourself and your food buddies a favor and make those polenta sqares for dinner with any kind of meat and a red vine sauce. Welcome to food heaven!
deep-fried polenta squares
polenta grains
vegetable broth
handful of grated parmesan cheese
vegetable oil
Make the polenta by following the instructions on its package. Use a little more polenta grains than recommended. In the end, add the parmesan cheese and stir.
Pour the hot polenta into a rectangular, lightly oiled baking dish. Refrigerate until cold and firm. Cut the polenta into squares.
Now it is time for deep-frying. Heat the oil in a sauce pan. Make sure its not too hot.
Fry the polenta squares for about 3 minutes on each side. Transfer the squares onto paper towles and let them drain.
friterade polentabitar
en handfull riven parmesanost
en handfull riven parmesanost
Gör polentan genom att följa instruktionerna på förpackningen. Använd lite mer polentagryn än rekommenderat. Tillsist, tillsätt parmesanost och rör om ordentligt.
Häll den varma polentan i en rektangulär, lätt oljad ugnsform och låt det stelna och svalna helt i kylskåp. Skär polentan i fyrkantiga bitar.
Nu är det dags för fritering. Hetta upp oljan i en kastrull. Se till att det inte är för varmt. Det ska bubbla lite lätt om du håller ner en träsked i oljan.
Fritera polentan i ca 3 minuter på varje sida. Lägg fyrkanterna på ett hushålsspapper och låt dem rinna av.