potato tortilla & skillet bread on a sunny monday morning

During the holidays when I had to take a break from all my culinary adventures, I didn´t really miss ´em at all.
That was so weird.
I was surprised myself and wondered if there is something wrong with me.
But the first day being home, I couldn´t wait to start baking again. What a relief!
[I baked this pink rainbow cake & a chocolate raspberry dream cake]
It was when I separated the eggs at nine o´clock in the morning, after I had bought the missing ingredients for the cakes [nope... I´m not always up that early] I realized how much I´ve actually missed it.
So the next morning, I had to get up again and make a little brunch for my family.
Those yummy skillet breads and the terrific tortilla were part of that brunch. Who would have thought that!?
There are truly few moments in life which beat eating freshly baked bread with melting butter on it, while sitting in the sun amongst your loved ones - breathing pause - so you should definitely go ahead and make your loved ones happy by cooking and baking them a brunch. You're welcome.

These skillet breads taste like something between scones and tortilla bread. That means absolutely fantastic.
If you like to, you could add some herbs or spices to the dough. Everything from thyme to fennel will work fine. Don´t forget to serve them freshly baked, when they are still warm. That is when they taste the best!
skillet bread, makes about 11 breads
4 dl whole wheat flour
2 tsp baking powder,
1 teaspoon salt;
50g butter,
2 tsp baking powder,
1 teaspoon salt;
50g butter,
2 dl milk
Mix all dry ingredients, then add butter.
Finally, pour in the milk. Divide the dough into 11 pieces and roll out into small thin cakes.
Fry (in skillet) a few minutes on each side.
Flip the bread when small brown spots start to appear.
stekpanne bröd, gör ca 11 bröd
4 dl fullkorns vetemjöl
2 tsk bakpulver,
1 tsk salt;
50g smör,
2 dl mjölk
Blanda alla torra ingredienser, tillsätt sedan smöret.
4 dl fullkorns vetemjöl
2 tsk bakpulver,
1 tsk salt;
50g smör,
2 dl mjölk
Blanda alla torra ingredienser, tillsätt sedan smöret.
Slutligen, häll i mjölken. Dela degen i 11 bitar och kavla ut till små tunna kakor.
Stek (i stekpanna) ett par minuter på varje sida.
Vänd på brödet när små bruna fläckar börjar synas.

Slice all your cooked leftover potatoes and put them in a bowl.
In another bowl, crack some eggs and whisk for a minute. Add one/two tablespoons of cream, some chopped garlic and salt.
Pour the egg mixture over the potatoes and make sure the potatoes are covered in egg mixture. If not, add another egg.
Then pour everything into a small skillet and let cook on low heat for a while. When you think you are able to flip the whole thing over, grab a big plate. Put it over the skillet and turn the tortilla around. Then push the tortilla back in the skillet again. Let cook for another five minutes and you are done!
potatis tortilla
Skiva alla dina kokta överblivna potatisar och lägg dem i en skål.
I en annan skål, knäck i några ägg och vispa ihop de. Vispa ner en / två matskedar grädde, lite hackad vitlök och salt.
Häll äggsmeten över potatisen och se till att potatisen täcks av äggsmeten. Om inte, lägg till ett ägg.
Häll över allt i en liten stekpanna och låt ägget stanna. Använd dig avlåg värme. När du tror att du har möjlighet att vända hela kalaset, så ta fram en stor tallrik. Sätt den över stekpannan och vänd tortillan. Tryck sedan tortillan tillbaka i stekpannan igen. Låt steka i ytterligare fem minuter och du är klar!
I en annan skål, knäck i några ägg och vispa ihop de. Vispa ner en / två matskedar grädde, lite hackad vitlök och salt.
Häll äggsmeten över potatisen och se till att potatisen täcks av äggsmeten. Om inte, lägg till ett ägg.
Häll över allt i en liten stekpanna och låt ägget stanna. Använd dig avlåg värme. När du tror att du har möjlighet att vända hela kalaset, så ta fram en stor tallrik. Sätt den över stekpannan och vänd tortillan. Tryck sedan tortillan tillbaka i stekpannan igen. Låt steka i ytterligare fem minuter och du är klar!

pink rainbow cake with lemon curd

Summer passes so fast.
It´s the same every single year. At first sight you seem to have ages of time you don´t know how to fill with activities and then..
.. wooop, woop.. ooopsie summer is almost over!
So sad, so sad.
So sad, so sad.
But I should be nothing else but happy, because I´ve had the chance to experience a lot this summer and there is still (wohoo!) more to come.

Even though summer in Sweden is absolutely fantastic, I´ve actually been travelling a lot.
Starting in Italy where I spent nearly two weeks with a bunch of friends, I then continued to Germany to visit my sweet little three-year old cousin. There I met with my family again and we went to Austria for a couple of days. We enjoyed the sun, the food and learned how to wind surf.
The day after we came home from Austria, I and L went sailing with our grandparents. Doing nothing, eating, sleeping, talking for three days is (believe it or not) relaxing.. perhaps even a little too relaxing.
However, we have also been kajaking in the archipelago of Stockholm, visiting friends and swimming of course.
Not to forget about all the strawberries and water melon we´ve munched on.
I can´t think of a better summer and I am so glad I got to do it all. So a big thank you to you guys, that somehow were involved!

This post would take forever if I wrote the story behind the cake.
So the short story would be:
We will have guests, I have bought gel food colouring, I am responsible for the dessert (it´s like an unwritten rule) and I made cake.
I filled it with lemon curd, unlike what the original recipe (Linda Lomelino) longs for and I am very happy with how it turned out.
The pink inside is so cute.
Happy baking!

suuuuummmmer break update post
I have been up to a lot this summer, and that is why it has been so quite here lately.
Some of the stories will show up here in a very few days, so hold on.
And I know it has been more than two weeks. But, I´ve had such an awsome summer holiday that I haven´t had time for blogging. And that´s basically it.
Enjoy the summer breeze.
homemade cream cheese

I´m not sure about you, but I love everything about the word homemade.
To me homemade is the same as good ( and much better than bought), no matter what we´re talking about. As I found out you can easily make your own cream cheese, I therefore literally cheered out load.

I was home alone that morning, making the cream cheese for breakfast. These days when I am home alone, I often spend in the kitchen. When somebody looks over my sholder, I can´t concentrate and I love having ages of time to finish my yummy project, take photos of it and then clean the kitchen.
Well, that last part in the sentence is not so much fun to be honest, but that´s somehow part of the game.

However, I tried to use the cream cheese in different ways. I had one slice of sourdough bread with the cream cheese (which I flavoured with fresh chopped chives) and some sliced radishes. Then I also had a cracker bread with the cream cheese and some apricot jam.
Do I have to tell you, it was awesome. No?
That is what I also think. So now, let´s go for the recipe.
Be prepared for a two week long blog pause. I´m back soon.

homemade cream cheese with chopped chives, a very small batch
500 ml milk
2-3 tbs lemon juice
2-3 tbs whipped cream, not whipped
salt, pepper
chopped chives
Heat the milk at medium heat in a saucepan, while stiring.
At the point where the milk starts boiling, slowly add the lemon juice. Keep stiring!
The curd will start separating from the whey. Turn off the heat.
Strain away the watery part (whey) and keep the curd.
Add the whipped cream to the cheese and whisk it smooth.
Stir in some salt, pepper and the chopped chives.
hemgjord färskost med hackad gräslök, en mycket liten sats
500 ml mjölk
2-3 msk citronsaft
500 ml mjölk
2-3 msk citronsaft
2-3 msk vispad grädde, inte vispad
salt, peppar
hackad gräslök
hackad gräslök
Värm mjölken på medelhög värme i en kastrull, under omrörning.
Vid den punkt där mjölken börjar koka, tillsätt långsamt citronsaft. Fortsätt röra om!
Ostmassan börjar separera från vasslen. Stäng av värmen.
Sila bort den vattniga delen (vassle) och beåll ostmassan.
Tillsätt vispgrädde till osten och vispa den slät och krämig.
Rör i lite salt, peppar och hackad gräslök.
summer mazarin cake

The past week I have been sailing in the archipelago of Stockholm. The sun was litterally shining all the time, which of course was awesome.
I mostly used the time to take a swim in the sea, eat loads of cashew nuts & my grandmas food (aaaww, so yummy!) and read cookbooks. It might have been the best week of this summer.

However cookbooks and me is such a thing. I would say cookbooks are my favourite genre when it comes to books, haha..
I read them before I go to sleep, instead of a novel. I collect little recipe folders & I spend hours in books stores in the cookbook section, just to look through all the photographs in all the cookbooks.
Still, I am so so sooo bad at following recipes properly. I always change at least two ingredients, skip a step I don´t feel like doing at the moment, a s o. To follow a recipe straight away just isn´t possible for me.

This time though, I managed to follow the recipe pretty good and the cake turned out great. And to me this cake screams summer, with all the berries and flowers.
I found the recipe in a very sweet book called "Sött, sweet, dulce - desserter från när och fjärran" by Anna & Fanny Bergenström. It´s surpringly easy to make and your done in just a couple of minutes. By the way I fell in love with the book, so make sure you check it out.

summer mazarin cake
400 gram almond paste
200 grams butter
4 eggs
1 dl flour
(1 teaspoon of vanilla extract)
1 dl of apricot jam
1½ tbs of water
berries and fruit
Grate the almond paste coarsly.
Mix butter until creamy and add the almond paste.
Add one egg at a time.
Add flour and ev. the vanilla extract and mix until well blended.
Butter and sprinkle a cake tin ( ca 20-22 in diameter ) with bread crumbs.
Fill in the batter and put in the oven for 30 minutes at 175 degrees.
Let it cool and garnish with your choice of berries and fruit.
In a sauce pan, heat the jam with the water. Let it cool a little apply a thin layer jam over the cake.
Serve cold with ice cream, or wipped cream.
sommar mazarin kaka
400 gram mandelmassa
200 gram smör
4 ägg
1 dl mjöl
(1 tesked vaniljextrakt)
400 gram mandelmassa
200 gram smör
4 ägg
1 dl mjöl
(1 tesked vaniljextrakt)
1 dl aprikosmarmelad
1 ½ msk vatten
bär och frukt
Riv mandelmassan grovt.
Blanda smör tills krämigt och tillsätt mandelmassa.
Kläck i ett ägg i taget.
Tillsätt mjöl och ev. vaniljextrakt och blanda tills väl blandat.
Smöra och bröa (ca 20-22 i diameter).
Fyll i smeten och sätt in i ugnen i 30 minuter vid 175 grader.
Låt det svalna och garnera med ditt val av bär och frukt.
I en kastrull, värm sylt med vatten. Låt det svalna lite och stryk ett tunt lager sylt över kakan.
Servera kall med glass eller vispgrädde.
Servera kall med glass eller vispgrädde.